High School Student Assignments
Remote Learning
9th Grade Student Assignments
Weekly Assignments 4/27 - 5/1
Teacher Name Assignment # Math Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
E. Hernandez 1 Exponential Growth and Decay Lesson and Practice 60 min
2 Desmos Graphing Exponential Growth and Decay 30 min
Teacher Name Assignment #
Maria Ramirez 1 Zoom class session, review presentation and summarize 1 hr
Algebra EOC 2 complete problems in McGraw-Hill 45min
Teacher Name Assignment # ELAR Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
Osmond 1 zoom session recording or 2-3 summary of recording 30 minues
Engllish 1 2 MLA formatted resarch paper 60 minutes
Teacher Name Assignment #
Osmond 1 zoom session or 2-3 sentence summary of recording 30 minutes
Reading 2 task cards/qr codes- submit answer sheet
Teacher Name Assignment # Science Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
J. Hernandez 1 neuron diagram/ zoom session 35 mins
Biology 2 find a brain teaser, post on schoology 5 mins
Teacher Name Assignment #
D. DeBons 1 Endocrine System Guided Reading/Worksheet and Short Answer 35 min
Biology Lab 2 Endocrine System Critical Thinking and Comprehension Writing 45 min
Teacher Name Assignment # History Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
A.. Fuentes 1 Zoom Meeting; Zoom meeting questions 35 mins
World Geography 2 Three column chart 30 mins
Teacher Name Assignment # Elective Assignments Description Est. work time for assignment
A. Martinez 1 ICEV Employabilty Skills Interactive Activities 15 Min.
PAAVTC 2 ICEV Employabilty Skills Interactive Assessments 45 Min. (Including Zoom)
Teacher Name Assignment #
A. Maritntez 1 ICEV Web Authoring & Languages Interactive Activities 15 Min.
Priciples of I.T. 2 ICEV Web Authoring & Languages Interactive Assessments 45 Min. (Including Zoom)
Teacher Name Assignment #
A. Martinez 1 TestOut A+ Certification Interactive Lesson 11.4.6 30 Min.
Remote Learning 

10th Grade Student Assignments

Weekly Assignments 4/27 - 5/1
Teacher Name Assignment # Math Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
PINALES 1 exponential functions application notes, practice,review 1.5 - 2 hrs.
ADV ALGEBRA 2 2 unit 9 test, exponential functions 45 - 60 min.
Teacher Name Assignment #
Maria Ramirez 1 Zoom, Review presentation and summarize 1 hr
Geometry/Pre AP Geometry 2 similar solids pracrtice problems 45 min
Teacher Name Assignment # ELAR Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
Bustillos 1 Zoom, Lecture on Summarizing Source 2 for Annotated Bibliography 30 mins.
English 2 2 View film (source 2) and Write summary 3 hrs.
Teacher Name Assignment #
Bustillos 1 Zoom, Unit 9 Giving Advice and Opinions 30 mins.
Practical Writing ESL 2 Write One-Pager for Virtual Tour to College 60 mins.
Teacher Name Assignment #
Bustillos 1 Zoom, Lecture on Close Reading and Contextualizing 30 mins.
AVID 2 Write One-Pager for Virtual Tour to Harvard College, Read "Books....", & Respond to WICOR questions 3 hrs.
Teacher Name Assignment # Science Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
Callaway 1 zoom lecutre. Solution Concentration Word Problems. Show all your work and put the correct untis at the end of each answer 60 mins.
2 Solution Concentration Assignmnet. Answer the five questions that are related to the concentratation of solutions. 60 mins.
Teacher Name Assignment #
D. DeBons 1 Environmental Ethics and Law Vocabubulary Definition/Understanding 45 min
Environmental Systems 2 Analysis and Understanding of Different Environmental Accords/Critical Thinking and Writing 45 min
Teacher Name Assignment # History Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
A. Fuentes 1 Zoom meeting; answer Zoom meeting questions 35 mins
World History 2 Write a letter home from a soldier serving on the Western Front in the First World War during 1917. 45 mins
Teacher Name Assignment # Elective Assignments Description Est. work time for assignment
A. Martinez 1 ICEV Employabilty Skills Interactive Activities 15 Min.
PAAVTC 2 ICEV Employabilty Skills Interactive Assessments 45 Min. (Including Zoom)
Teacher Name Assignment #
A. Maritntez 1 ICEV Web Authoring & Languages Interactive Activities 15 Min.
Remote Learning

11th Grade Student Assignments

Weekly Assignments 4/27 - 5/1
Teacher Name Assignment # Math Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
PINALES 1 sine/cosine graphs notes, practice 60 - 90 min.
PRE-CAL 2 sine/cosine graphs onine quiz/practice 20 - 30 min.
Teacher Name Assignment #
E.Hernandez 1 Properties of Logarithms Lesson and Practice 60 min
Algebra 2 2 Solving Properties of logarithms worksheet 40 min
Teacher Name Assignment # ELAR Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
H. Espinosa 1
English III 2
Teacher Name Assignment #
Osmond 1 zoom session or submit 2-3 sentence summary of recording 30 minutes
Reading 2 task cards/qr codes/submit answer sheet via google docs only 30 minutes
Teacher Name Assignment # Science Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
Callaway 1 zoom session. Mathematical Relationships In Circuits. Show all your work and put the correct units at the end of each answer. 90 mins.
2 Drawing Parallel Circuits and calculaitng for: voltage, current and resistance in the branches of various parallel circuits.
Teacher Name Assignment #
Villalobos 1
Teacher Name Assignment # History Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
Guerra 1 Warm up discussion post: Finding joy- post article or video; respond to two classmates 10-15 minutes
US History/ Dual Credit 2 Zoom lesson; Chapter reading 9.3; written summary and create 2 questions/ Chapter 21 reading; written summary create 3 questions 60 minutes
Teacher Name Assignment # Elective Assignments Description Est. work time for assignment
A. Martinez 1 ICEV Employabilty Skills Interactive Activities 15 Min.
PAAVTC 2 ICEV Employabilty Skills Interactive Assessments 45 Min. (Including Zoom)
Teacher Name Assignment #
A. Maritntez 1 ICEV Web Authoring & Languages Interactive Activities 15 Min.
Priciples of I.T. 2 ICEV Web Authoring & Languages Interactive Assessments 45 Min. (Including Zoom)
Teacher Name Assignment #
A. Martinez 1 TestOut A+ Certification Interactive Lesson 11.4.6 30 Min.
Remote Learning

12th Grade Student Assignments

Weekly Assignments 4/27 - 5/1
Teacher Name Assignment # Math Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
PINALES 1 5.3, 5.4 factoring/quadratics notes and practice 60 - 90 min.
COLLEGE PREP MATH 2 5.3.4 quadratics online quiz/practice 20 - 30 min.
Teacher Name Assignment #
PINALES 1 sine, cosine graphs notes/practice 60 -90 min.
PRE-CAL 2 sine/cosine online quiz/practice 20-30 min.
Teacher Name Assignment # ELAR Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
H. Espinosa 1
English IV 2
Teacher Name Assignment #
H. Espinosa 1
College Preparatory English 2
Teacher Name Assignment # Science Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
D. DeBons 1 Environmental Ethics and Law Vocabulary Definition/Understanding 45 min
2 Analysis and Understanding of Different Environmental Accords/Critical Thinking and Writing 45 min
Assignment #
Teacher Name Assignment # History Assignment Description Est. work time for assignment
Guerra 1 Discussion warm up: Finding joy- post article/video and reflection 15 minutes
US Government 2 Zoom lesson; Chater 6.5 Reading Electoral Process; answer guiding questions 60 minutes
Teacher Name Assignment # Elective Assignments Description Est. work time for assignment
A. Martinez 1 ICEV Employabilty Skills Interactive Activities 15 Min.
PAAVTC 2 ICEV Employabilty Skills Interactive Assessments 45 Min. (Including Zoom)
Teacher Name Assignment #
A. Maritntez 1 ICEV Web Authoring & Languages Interactive Activities 15 Min.
Priciples of I.T. 2 ICEV Web Authoring & Languages Interactive Assessments 45 Min. (Including Zoom)
Teacher Name Assignment #
A. Martinez 1 TestOut A+ Certification Interactive Lesson 11.4.6 30 Min.
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