Located in Anthony, Texas - The Gateway to Texas.
Home of the Wildcats!
Updated 10/17/2024
TIA Overview
Teacher Incentive Allotment Overview
TIA in Anthony ISD
Why is Anthony ISD participating in the TIA?
What is a designation?
Master Teacher
Exemplary Teacher
Recognized Teacher
Pathways to designation
National Board Certification
Local Teacher Designation System
System Requirements
Local Designation System Requirements
Anthony ISD's Local Designation System
TIA eligible courses for the 2024-2025 school year.
TIA Requirements for Designation
TIA Evaluation Frequency
TIA Performance Standards
Teacher Performance
Student Growth
Teacher Evaluation Requirements for Designations
Requirements for designations
Dimension Scores
Measure Requirements for Designation
Requirements for Designations
Student Growth Instrument
Calculating Student Growth
Student Growth Measure Integrity
Student Growth Measure Security and Confidentiality
Serious Student Growth Measure Testing Violations
Scoring and Elegibility District Process
To determine annual teacher eligibility for a TIA designation, the following steps are completed at the district-level end-of-year analysis:
TIA Designation Score Chart
The District’s Teacher appraisal and student growth outcomes are reviewed alongside the State’s Performance Standards as well as available State and National Data to determine the district’s final TIA decisions for Observation and Growth, as well as the inclusion of minimum performance requirements.
Annual Score Card
Annual Scorecard
Evaluation Frequency
TIA Compensation
The TIA program is available to all Texas school districts and open-enrollment charter schools.
Funds Distribution
The District has a clear, written plan to abide by the spending requirements
in TEC 48.112
Anthony ISD Distribution Plan
District distribution plan
Elegibility for compensation
Amount and Frequency of compensation
TRS retirement impact of compensation
Movement of Teachers
Deduction Information
TIA Cohort G Timelines
TIA Cohort G Timelines
The Texas Education Agency’s Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was established by House Bill 3 (HB 3), which was passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in 2019 and signed into law by Governor Abbott on June 11, 2019. The goal of the TIA is to provide a realistic pathway to a six-figure salary for teachers in order to help recruit, support, and retain highly effective teachers in all schools, particularly in high-needs and rural schools.
HB 3 established the TIA to recognize effective teachers on three different levels: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. These teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts in order for them to reward their top performers
Teachers earn designations through two different routes:
• National Board Certification (automatic Recognized designation)
• Local Teacher Designation System (TEC Sec. 21.3521)
Anthony ISD’s implementation begins during the 2022-2023 school year. The TIA provides a pathway to financially recognize top teachers and serves as a great opportunity to honor the hard work of Anthony ISD’s teachers.
This will not replace the district’s current pay structure. A stipend, paid with funds received from TEA, will be issued to those who are eligible for compensation under TIA. The TIA payment is credited in the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) and will be used in retirement benefit calculations.
In order to continue to attract, retain, and reward effective teachers, Anthony ISD participates in the Teacher Incentive Allotment to maintain competitive salaries within the region. As educators, the district knows that an effective teacher is the single most important factor for student achievement. Anthony ISD is district-wide Title 1. By allowing teachers to show their effectiveness through this plan we can continue to reward them for their service to this rural, low socio-economic community.
One area of our district's annual strategic plan is to "increase student achievement" we believe participating in TIA helps us accomplish this goal by attracting effective teachers to the district with higher compensation and keeping the effective teachers we already have by maintaining competitive salaries.

Our goal with TIA is to keep our teachers, assist them in increasing their earning power by serving low socio-economic students and help them continuously improve in their profession with coaching and strong professional development. TIA provides a pathway to this goal.
House Bill 3 (HB 3) established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to recognize effective teachers at three distinct levels: Master, Exemplary, and Recognized. These teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts to reward and retain their most effective teachers.
Master level teacher designation indicates that the identified teacher has achieved a level of teacher appraisal and student growth performance that places them in a level commensurate with the top 5% of teachers statewide.
Exemplary level teacher designation indicates that the identified teacher has achieved a level of teacher appraisal and student growth performance that places them in a level commensurate with the top 20% of teachers statewide.
Recognized level teacher designation indicates that the identified teacher has achieved a level of teacher appraisal and student growth performance that places them in a level commensurate with the top 33% of teachers statewide. The Recognized Designation can be earned through the Local Teacher Designation System or through National Board Certification.
The Recognized designation may be earned through National Board Certification. The National Board Certification is available in 25 certificate areas across 16 disciplines with emphasis on grade levels from PK through 12th grade. Anthony ISD staff who possess a National Board Certification should contact the Human Capital Management Department to provide the necessary documentation
National Board Certification automatically qualifies any teacher for Recognized designation regardless of teaching assignment, but the teacher must be PEIMS-coded as 087. Staff interested in pursuing National Board Certification are encouraged to consult the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards site for more information.
House Bill 3 provides districts with local control and flexibility in choosing how to evaluate teachers and assign designations.
The designation system in Anthony ISD includes the following components:
Teacher Observation based on T-TESS: Teachers in the TIA Eligibility Band will receive a full evaluation, including a formal observation. The results of the End of Year conference in domains 2 and 3 will be used to fulfill this component.
Service ID | Service Description (Content/Grade-Level) | Subject Description | Grade Level |
03100500 | Algebra I | MATHEMATICS | GRADES 9-12 |
03100600 | Algebra II | MATHEMATICS | GRADES 9-12 |
A3440100 | AP Spanish: Language and Culture | FOREIGN LANGUAGE | GRADES 9-12 |
A3100101 | AP Calculus AB | MATHEMATICS | GRADES 9-12 |
03010200 | Biology | SCIENCE | GRADES 9-12 |
13011400 | Business Information Management I | VOCATIONAL EDUCATION | GRADES 9-12 |
03040000 | Chemistry | SCIENCE | GRADES 9-12 |
02560010 | English As a Second Language, Grade 1 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 1 |
02560020 | English As a Second Language, Grade 2 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 2 |
03220100 | English I | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADES 9-12 |
03220200 | English II | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADES 9-12 |
03220300 | English III | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADES 9-12 |
03220400 | English IV | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADES 9-12 |
02625030 | English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 3 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 3 |
02625040 | English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 4 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 4 |
02625050 | English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 5 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 5 |
03200510 | English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 6 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 6 |
03200520 | English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 7 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 7 |
03200530 | English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 8 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 8 |
03100700 | Geometry | MATHEMATICS | GRADES 9-12 |
02010000 | Grade 1 | SELF-CONTAINED | GRADE 1 |
02020000 | Grade 2 | SELF-CONTAINED | GRADE 2 |
02030000 | Grade 3 | SELF-CONTAINED | GRADE 3 |
01020000 | Kindergarten | SELF-CONTAINED | KINDERGARTEN |
02640010 | Mathematics, Grade 1 | MATHEMATICS | GRADE 1 |
02640020 | Mathematics, Grade 2 | MATHEMATICS | GRADE 2 |
02640030 | Mathematics, Grade 3 | MATHEMATICS | GRADE 3 |
02640040 | Mathematics, Grade 4 | MATHEMATICS | GRADE 4 |
02640050 | Mathematics, Grade 5 | MATHEMATICS | GRADE 5 |
Service ID | Service Description (Content/Grade-Level) | Subject Description | Grade Level |
02640060 | Mathematics, Grade 6 | MATHEMATICS | GRADE 6 |
03103000 | Mathematics, Grade 7 | MATHEMATICS | GRADE 7 |
03103100 | Mathematics, Grade 8 | MATHEMATICS | GRADE 8 |
03150100 | Music I, Band I | FINE ARTS | GRADES 9-12 |
PES00000 | PE Substitution Athletics 1 | PHYSICAL ED. & HEALTH | GRADES 9-12 |
02530008 | Physical Education, Grade 5 | PHYSICAL ED. & HEALTH | GRADE 5 |
03823000 | Physical Education, Grades 7-8 | PHYSICAL ED. & HEALTH | MIDDLE SCHOOL (GRADES 6 - 8) |
03050000 | Physics | SCIENCE | GRADES 9-12 |
03101100 | Precalculus | MATHEMATICS | GRADES 9-12 |
01010000 | Pre-Kindergarten | SELF-CONTAINED | PRE-KINDERGARTEN |
03273410 | Reading Elective, Grade 6 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 6 |
03273420 | Reading Elective, Grade 7 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 7 |
03273430 | Reading Elective, Grade 8 | ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS | GRADE 8 |
02650400 | Science, Grade 4 | SCIENCE | GRADE 4 |
02650500 | Science, Grade 5 | SCIENCE | GRADE 5 |
03060600 | Science, Grade 6 | SCIENCE | GRADE 6 |
03060700 | Science, Grade 7 | SCIENCE | GRADE 7 |
03060800 | Science, Grade 8 | SCIENCE | GRADE 8 |
03343000 | Social Studies, Grade 7 | SOCIAL STUDIES | GRADE 7 |
03343100 | Social Studies, Grade 8 | SOCIAL STUDIES | GRADE 8 |
03340100 | United States History Studies Since 1877 | SOCIAL STUDIES | GRADES 9-12 |
03320100 | World Geography Studies | SOCIAL STUDIES | GRADES 9-12 |
Evaluation of teacher eligibility for a TIA designation is considered annually. This means that every year a teacher receives a T-TESS evaluation and has available student growth measure data, the teacher’s TIA score will be calculated and the teacher has an opportunity to meet TIA eligibility:
To implement the Teacher Incentive Allotment, House Bill 3 also requires the setting of “performance and validity standards” to ensure that the identification of highly effective teachers under the three designation categories - Master, Exemplary,
and recognized - yields reliable and comparable results across the state. The performance standards for T-TESS evaluations and student growth are listed below.
TIA establishes a priority emphasis on Domains 2 and 3 (Instruction and Learning Environment) of the T-TESS rubric. To be eligible for a TIA-designation, teachers must earn a rating of proficient or higher on each of the eight dimensions measured across Domains 2 and 3 during the data capture year.
Based on an analysis of statewide T-TESS observation data, TEA has identified score averages across Domains 2 and 3 of T-TESS:
More information can be found in TEA’s Teacher Observation Performance Standards document.
To be eligible for a TIA-designation, teachers must earn a student growth outcome during the data capture year. TEA established these expectations based on statewide performance expectations:
More information can be found in TEA’s Student Growth Performance Standards.
Final District Standards subject to change.
The District’s Teacher appraisal and student growth outcomes are reviewed alongside the State’s Performance Standards as well as available State and National Data to determine the district’s final TIA decisions for Observation and Growth, as well as the inclusion of minimum performance requirements. Once analysis is complete, information is made publicly available.
The Texas Teacher Evaluation & Support System (T-TESS) is the state-adopted teacher appraisal instrument. T-TESS includes three components aimed at capturing the holistic nature of teaching and developing teacher habits of continuous improvement:
For the Texas Incentive Allotment (TIA), Anthony ISD calculates T-TESS dimension scores and an average score for the 8 Dimensions in Domains 2 and 3 of T-TESS.
Each dimension is scored on a scale of 1-5 in the order as follows:
Student growth is calculated for all students that have a TIA-designated fall and spring assessment. Student growth performance is associated with individual teachers based on the following enrollment criteria:
Student growth will be calculated at the teacher level, combined across all assessed content areas for which the teacher has assigned teaching responsibilities.
In order for teachers to receive a student growth measure, there must be at least six (6) unique student growth records across assigned students and content areas.
The instrument used to measure student growth depends on the grade level and subject area:
For CIRCLE growth, student growth is calculated as the percentage of students who meet or exceed their locally determined projected growth from the fall (BOY) administration (October snapshot of students in a teacher’s class) to the spring (EOY) administration. The district will use local historical data, alongside feedback from stakeholders and district leaders, as well as the national data on this assessment, to set the growth target point increase from Wave 1 to Wave 3 for CIRCLE.
For MCLASS growth, student growth is calculated as the percentage of students who meet or exceed their projected growth from the fall (BOY) administration (October snapshot of students in a teacher’s class) to the spring (EOY) administration.
For District Created Pre-Test and STAAR Post Test, student growth is calculated as a graduated percent increase model with the district establishing target growth for each group of students, to determine the percentage of students who meet or exceed their projected growth from the fall (BOY) administration (October snapshot of students in a teacher’s class) to the spring (EOY) administration.
For STAAR Academic Measure, student growth is calculated by the state as the percentage of students who meet or exceed their projected growth from the prior year STAAR administration (October snapshot of students in a teacher’s class) to the spring (EOY) administration.
For District Created, student growth is calculated by the district as the percentage of students who meet or exceed their projected growth from the fall administration (October snapshot of students in a teacher’s class) to the spring (EOY) administration.
For ICEV, student growth is calculated as a graduated percent increase model with the district establishing target growth for each group of students, to determine the percentage of students who meet or exceed their projected growth from the fall (BOY) administration (October snapshot of students in a teacher’s class) to the spring (EOY) administration
For AP exams, student growth is calculated with the district establishing target growth for each student to determine the percentage of students who meet or exceed their projected growth from the fall (BOY) administration to spring AP exams (EOY).
For Fitness Gram, student growth is calculated with the district establishing target growth for each student, to determine the percentage of students who meet or exceed their projected growth from the fall (BOY) administration (October snapshot of students in a teacher’s class) to the spring (EOY) administration.
For Portfolios, student work is collected at the beginning of the year and EOY. Data is scored against a skills progression rubric to determine, to determine the percentage of students who meet or exceed their projected growth from the fall (BOY) administration (October snapshot of students in a teacher’s class) to the spring (EOY) administration.
The number of students meeting growth expectations and the number of assessed students, regardless of which assessment type and content area, are combined to determine the collective percentage of students meeting (or exceeding) growth.
Special Education Inclusion/Resource Teachers: Rosters will be collected in the fall and verified in the Spring. Student growth will be calculated using the student growth measure for the academic area. The student growth will be included for both the inclusion teacher as well as the general education teacher.
Dyslexia & Resource Teachers: Student growth will be calculated using the student growth measure for the academic area. The student growth will be included for both the Dyslexia/Resource as well as the general education teacher.
It is important to the integrity of Anthony ISD’s TIA System that student growth measures are administered fairly and consistently throughout the organization. In order to ensure that all students can demonstrate their full potential on student growth measures, the following conditions must be met.
Maintaining security and confidentiality of student growth measures helps to ensure that student performance is accurately measured as a part of Anthony ISD’s TIA system. In order to maintain student growth measure security and confidentiality:
The following educator conduct represents serious student growth measure testing violations to security and confidentiality:
1 | The Observation Component includes the T-TESS Domains 2 and 3 |
The Student Growth Component includes the percent of students who met or exceeded growth for students across all TIA eligible courses | |
2 | The Overall TIA Designation score chart used to identify three levels of designations of teachers. The District’s Teacher appraisal and student growth outcomes are reviewed alongside the State’s Performance Standards as well as available State and National Data to determine the district’s final TIA cut points. The district may use the performance minimums to determine overall TIA Designations and/or a Weighted Composite Score to determine TIA Designation. Final TIA Criteria will be made publicly available once analysis is complete. |
3 | Individual teacher data is then verified to ensure that the component scores meet the District’s performance criteria: |
TEA requires the teacher to still be employed as a teacher at the time of TIA data submission. Data submission is typically in the October following the completion of the data collection year | |
TEA does not permit the district to submit teachers demonstrating the same TIA designation level unless the current TIA designation is expired. | |
If performance criteria is met, TIA designation is submitted to the State for data review; pending TEA data validation, TIA designation is attached to teacher’s teaching certificate for a period of 5 years. | |
If performance criteria is not met, no TIA designation is submitted to the State. |
The District’s Teacher appraisal and student growth outcomes are reviewed alongside the State’s Performance Standards as well as available State and National Data to determine the district’s final TIA decisions for Observation and Growth, as well as the inclusion of minimum performance requirements. Once analysis is complete, information is made publicly available.
Employee Role is 087 PEIMS-Coded Classroom Teacher |
Eligible Teaching Assignment - Completed full school year |
Completed T-TESS Observation Cycle |
Met Minimum Number of Students for Growth Calculation |
Does the teacher meet the eligibility requirements? |
Each year of the TIA evaluation cycle, TIA-eligible teachers will be provided an annual
score card. The purpose of the score card is to provide transparency within Anthony ISD’s
TIA system. TIA score cards will provide teachers with an
individualized report of the annual TIA outcomes based on their performance. Score card data
elements will include:
Evaluation of teachers eligible for a TIA designation is considered annually.
Teachers in an eligible-TIA band will receive T-TESS evaluations and have student growth measures calculated annually.
The TIA program is available to all Texas school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. The amount of TIA funds generated is determined by a formula that considers campus characteristics, including student socioeconomic status and campus location:
For more information about the TIA allotment calculations, see TEA’s Teacher Incentive Allotment page. For more information about the specific amount of TIA funds generated by TIA designated teachers at every campus acrossthe state, see TEA’s Teacher Incentive Allotment Funding Map.
The District has a clear, written plan to abide by the spending requirements in TEC48.112, including spending at least 90% of the TIA funds awarded to the district on teacher compensation on the campus where the designated teacher works, a maximum of 10% of the district’s allotment on implementing TIA and/or supporting teachers in earning designations.
Teachers with a TIA designation will generate funds if they meet the following criteria:
TIA compensation is an annual allotment provided by the State and subject to availability of state funding allocations. 90% of TIA compensation must be distributed toward teacher compensation on the campus where a TIA teacher is designated.
TIA compensation amounts will be included in the annual wages reported to the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) and will be used when calculating retirement benefits.
Employees are responsible to pay both the employee and employer benefit and tax costs. Actual TIA compensation amounts distributed will include deductions for federal income tax, Medicare tax, and TRS contributions as part of an employee’s annual wages reported to the state and federal governments, as well as the Teacher Retirement System (TRS).
Please refer to the Anthony ISD Employee Compensation Handbook for more information.
TEA designates that at least 90% of the funds received will be spent on teacher compensation on the campuses where the designated teacher works.

Each campus is designated as Tier 1,2,3,4, or 5 according to the percentage of economically disadvantaged students enrolled.

The funds available for designations are:
Master Level $12,000 - $32,000
Exemplary Level $9,000 - $18,000
Recognized Level $3,000 - $9,000.

Student classroom enrollment
STAAR growth
2 Years of State assessments
CLI Engage Assessment for Pre-K students
The teacher must have a valid SBEC certificate. Eligible types of the certificate include: Standard, Professional, Provisional. Eligible classes of certificates include: Classroom teacher (Chapter 233), Reading Specialist (Chapter 239), Legacy Master Teacher. The teacher must be coded 087 (Teacher) per the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) description of codes for 90 days at 100% of the day (equivalent to four and one-half months or a full semester) or 180 days required at 50-99% of the day and compensated for that employment.
Designations are Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. Once earned, designations remain valid for a period of five years. They are determined by utilizing both teacher observation ratings and student performance data. The teacher observation component requires minimum average scores across domains 2 and 3 along with a minimum rating required for each dimension in domain 2 or 3. However, for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years, teacher designations will be based solely upon student growth data.
Phase 1: Teachers of grades 4-EOC STAAR tested subjects are eligible for consideration for TIA designations. Teachers may qualify to earn Recognized, Exemplary, or Master designations based upon student growth data for either the 2018-19 or 2019-20 school years.
Phase 2: Beginning with the 2020-2021 school year and beyond, teachers of Kindergarten-Grade 3 will become eligible for designations based on both student growth in Reading and or Math utilizing the IOWA assessment coupled with Teacher Observation (T-TESS) data. Grades 4-EOC STAAR tested subject areas will remain eligible based upon student growth with the addition of the Teacher Observation (T-TESS) data component.
Phase 3: Beginning in January 2021, eligible National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) will earn a Recognized TIA designation automatically on their Texas educator certificate for the 2020-2021 school year. The designation will expire in conjunction with the teacher’s National Board Certification. To be eligible for the Recognized Teacher Incentive Allotment designation, NBCTs must have a valid Texas teaching certificate in one of the following categories: standard, professional, provisional or one year. Teachers with a Recognized designation must be employed as a Texas teacher (087 role ID in PEIMS) and complete a creditable year of service in order to generate funding for that year.
National Board Certification is a voluntary advanced professional certification for PreK-12 educators that identifies teaching expertise through performance-based, peer-reviewed assessment. Teachers are certified based on standards set by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) National Board Certification provides teachers an opportunity to hone their practice, demonstrate professional knowledge, and reinforce their dedication to their students and their career. The certification process is designed to collect standards-based evidence of accomplished practice, and on average takes 1-3 years to complete. To become a Board-certified teacher, eligible candidates must demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, and practice in their individual certificate area by completing four components: three portfolio entries and a computer-based assessment. Certification is available in 23 certificate areas spanning 16 disciplines from Pre-K through 12th grade. AISD will sponsor an annual cohort of up to 25 individuals seeking National Board Certification. The district will provide assistance and supports necessary to ensure high rates of completion and success.
The funding available from the Teacher Incentive Allotment varies by designation. The exact amount of funding per teacher is determined by a formula that takes into account the level of socioeconomic need at the campus and whether the campus is rural. Funding for a Recognized designation ranges from $3-9K, Exemplary designation ranges from $6-18K, and Master designations range from $12-32K.
In years one and two of a teacher’s designation, he/she will receive an amount equal to 90% of his/her earned allotment based on the current TEA funding formula. In years three through five, TIA designated teachers will receive a guaranteed annual payment equal to the minimum base for his/her designation. Designees maintaining or exceeding minimum student growth standards as prescribed by AISD for each TIA designation will receive additional compensation totaling 90% of the individual’s earned allotment based on the current TEA funding formula. All TIA compensation payments to designees are subject to and governed by TEA statute, guidance, and updates.
House Bill 3 (HB 3), passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in June of 2019, established an optional Teacher Incentive Allotment with a stated goal of a six-figure salary for teachers who prioritize teaching in high needs areas and rural district campuses.
For more information about the Teacher Incentive Allotment, please visit www.TIATexas.org.
National Board Certification is a voluntary, advanced professional certification for PreK-12 educators that identifies teaching expertise through a performance-based, peer-reviewed assessment. More than 125,000 teachers across all 50 states have achieved Board Certification.
Candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. NOTE: Candidates for the Career and Technical Education certificates are required to hold a bachelor’s degree only if their state required one for their current license.
Candidates must have completed three years of successful teaching in one or more early childhood, elementary, middle, or secondary school.
Candidates must hold a valid state teaching license (or meet the licensure requirements established by your state for a school counselor if applying for the ECYA/School Counseling certificate) for each of the three years of verified employment.
Candidates must provide official American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) certified ratings of Advanced Low or higher from ACTFL speaking and writing proficiency assessments if registering as a World Languages candidate.
The certification process is designed to collect standards-based evidence of accomplished practice. To become a Board-Certified teacher, eligible candidates must demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, and practice in their individual certificate area by completing four components. The content knowledge component is a computer-based assessment taken at a testing center; the other three are portfolio-based and submitted through an electronic portfolio system.
Component 1: Content Knowledge
Component 2: Differentiation in Instruction
Component 3: Teaching Practice and Learning Environment
Component 4: Effective and Reflective Practitioner
The initial cost for each of the four components is $475, with the total cost for the initial attempt of all four components being $1,900. Retake attempts require an additional fee. For each assessment cycle a teacher plans to take components, a $75 nonrefundable and nontransferable registration fee is required and must be paid before purchasing a component.
For teachers who achieved certification 2017 or later, National Board Certification is active for a period of five years. National Board Certified Teachers must successfully complete the Maintenance of Certification process to extend their certification. The Maintenance of Certification will cost $495 plus a $75 registration fee.
AISD commits to prepare all students with academic and interpersonal skills in order to graduate, face all challenges and be a contributing member of their community.
The mission of AISD is to improve lives by empowering students with academic and relevant skills and nurture individual talents so that students will have post-secondary success.
(915) 886-6500
(915) 886-6510
(915) 886-6530
(915) 886-6550
(915) 886-6505
MON-FRI: 7:30AM-4:30PM
840 6th Street Anthony, TX 79821
Holidays may affect these hours.
Central Office (915) 886-6500
Elementary School (915) 886-6510
Middle School (915) 886-6530
High School (915) 886-6550
Media Inquiries (915) 886-6505