Anthony ISD Board Calendar

Month of the School Year Activity
September Regular Board Business
October Regular Board Business
November Public hearing Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST)
December Call for Order of Election of School Board Members for May Election on odd years
Set date for Superintendent evaluation
Record Board of Trustees continuing education requirements
January Board recognition month
Approval of audit
Superintendent evaluation
February Public Hearing Annual Report including (TAPR)*
Approval of budget timeline
March Approval of school calendar for the upcoming school year
Approval of board travel to S
April Approval of administrative-instructional support for the upcoming school year
Approval of certified teachers and other certified professional recommendations for the upcoming school year
TEKS certifications for the upcoming school year
Record Board of Trustees continuing education requirements on election ye
May Conduct election for board officers and establish time and day of board meetings
On odd years swear in elected board members
Textbook adoption (if applicable) for the upcoming school year
Approval of employee compensation for the upcoming school year
June Budget workshops as needed
July Approval of district and campus goals and objectives
Approval of Student Code of Cond
Review of Student and Employee Handbo
August Approval of budget and tax rate
*Some schedules may vary depending on TEA requirements. Calendar is subject to change

The Anthony ISD school board also periodically requests reports relative to: assessments and instructional programs, student achievement, policy review, planning processes and additional information that may be needed for decision making.
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