Compensation Plans

Teachers & Librarians

Pay Plan for new hire teachers and librarians $60,000 starting, 0.0% GPI.

Administrative and Professional

Administrative and Professional pay plans by pay grades.

Clerical & Paraprofessional pay plan broken down by pay grades.

Child Nutrition

Child Nutrition Pay Plan


Auxiliary Pay Plan. Annual amounts are based on eight hours per day.


Substitute Rates

Academic Tutor

Academic Tutor pay ranges.

Supplemental & Miscellaneous

Supplemental and Miscellaneous pay ranges.

Description Title

Instructional stipends and supplemental pay schedule.

2024-2025 New Hire Guide for Teachers and Librarians $61,000 starting, 2.0% GPI

Years of Experience New Hire Salary
0 $61,000
1 $61,260
2 $61,710
3 $62,160
4 $62,610
5 $63,060
6 $63,510
7 $63,960
8 $64,410
9 $64,860
10 $65,310
11 $65,760
12 $66,210
13 $66,660
14 $67,110
15 $67,560
16 $68,010
17 $68,460
18 $68,910
19 $69,360
20 $69,810
21 $70,260
22 $70,730
23 $71,330
24 $71,930
25+ $72,530

$1,500 Master's Degree - General Stipend

The salaries listed above are based on 10-month employment for the 2024-2025 school year. Salary plans are determined on an annual basis and salary advancement is not guaranteed. Pay increases are based on the annual pay raise budget approved by the Board of Trustees.

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2024-2025 Administrative / Professional Pay Plan

By Pay Grades

Pay Grade Job Title Calendars Minimum Midpoint Maximum
AP1 Daily $230.69 $277.94 $325.19
Finance Coordinator 226 226 Days 52,136 62,814 73,493
Human Resources Generalist 226
Network Administrator 226
Daily $265.74 $318.12 $370.50
Nurse (RN) 192 192 Days 51,022 61,079 71,136
Communications & Safety Coordinator 212 212 Days 56,337 67,441 78,546
Cust/Maint/Sec Sys/Transp Manager 226 226 Days 60,057 71,895 83,733
Daily $299.88 $355.09 $410.30
Counselor-ES 202 202 Days 60,576 71,728 82,881
Couselor-MS 212 212 Days 63,575 75,279 86,984
Counselor-HS 217 217 Days 65,074 77,055 89,035
Project Director Stronger Connections Program 217 226 Days 67,773 80,250 92,728
Director of Child Nutrition Services 226
Pay Grade Job Title Calendars Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Daily $316.80 $372.70 $428.61
SLP 197 197 Days 62,410 73,422 84,436
Diagnostician 202 202 Days 63,994 75,285 86,579
Strong Foundations Project Manager 202 226 Days 71,597 84,230 96,866
Assistant Principal-ES 226
Director of Technology 226
Daily $386.09 $438.74 $491.39
Director of HR & School Counseling 226 226 Days 87,256 99,155 111,054
Principal-ES 226
Principal-MS 226
Daily $438.30 $487.00 $535.70
Executive Director of Finance 226 226 Days 99,056 110,062 121,068
Executive Director of State & Federal Programs 226
Principal-HS 226
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2024-2025 Clerical / Paraprofessional Pay Plan

By Pay Grades

Pay Grade Job Title Calendars Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Hourly $15.00 $18.07 $21.14
Campus Receptionist/Attendance Clerk-ES/MS 207 207 Days 24,840 29,924 35,008
Campus Receptionist/Attendance Clerk-HS 226 226 Days 27,120 32,671 38,221
Hourly $16.04 $19.33 $22.62
Library Aide 187 187 Days 23,996 28,918 33,840
LPAC/Special Programs Facilitator 192 192 Days 24,637 29,691 34,744
Hourly $17.16 $20.68 $24.20
Instructional Aide 187 187 Days 25,671 30,937 36,203
Instructional Aide- Pre-K 187
Instructional Aide - ISS 187
Instructional Aide - PE 187
Intervention Aide 187
Special Ed Aide - ALE/Self-Contained 187
Special Ed Aide - Resource/Inclusion 187
Pay Grade Job Title Calendars Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Districtwide Behavior Aide 187 Hourly $18.37 $22.13 $25.89
187 Days 27,482 33,106 38,731
Pay Grade Job Title Calendars Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Hourly $19.90 $23.68 $27.46
Campus Secretary - ES 226 226 Days 35,979 42,813 49,648
Campus Secretary - HS 226
Campus Secretary - MS 226
Multi-Department Secretary 226
Hourly $21.74 $25.57 $29.40
Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) 192 192 Days 33,393 39,276 45,158
Computer Technician 226 226 Days 39,306 46,231 53,155
Transportation Coordinator 226
Hourly $23.80 $27.36 $30.92
Finance Specialist 226 226 Days 43,030 49,467 55,903
Hourly $26.73 $30.37 $34.01
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent/District PEIMS Coord. 226 226 Days 48,328 54,909 61,490
Superintendent/District PEIMS Coordinator
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2024-2025 Child Nutrition Pay Plan

Pay Grade Job Title Calendars Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Hourly $15.00 $17.96 $20.92
Food Service Helper 192 192 Days 23,040 27,587 32,133
Hourly $16.04 $19.22 $22.40
Food Service Assistant Cook 192 Days 24,637 29,522 34,406
Hourly $17.17 $20.57 $23.97
Food Service Lead Cook 192 192 Days 26,373 31,596 36,818
Hourly $18.89 $22.63 $26.37
Food Service Manager - ES 192 192 Days 29,015 34,760 40,504
Food Service Manager - HS/MS 192
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2024-2025 Auxiliary Pay Plan

*Annual Amounts are Based on Eight Hours per Day

Pay Grade Job Title Calendars Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Hourly $15.00 $17.96 $20.92
Custodian 196, 242 196 Days 23,520 28,161 32,803
242 Days 29,040 34,771 40,501
AUX2 Hourly $16.00 $19.16 $22.32
Maintenence Grounds 242 242 Days 30,976 37,094 43,212
Hourly $17.11 $20.50 $23.89
Campus Patrol 192 192 Days 26,281 31,488 36,695
Maintenence General 242 242 Days 33,125 39,688 46,251
Hourly $18.32 $21.94 $25.56
Lead Custodian 242 242 Days 35,468 42,476 49,484
Hourly $19.42 $23.26 $27.10
XX Days
Pay Grade Job Title Calendars Minimum Midpoint Maximum
Hourly $22.00 $25.88 $29.76
Bus Driver (30 Hours) 192 192 33,792 39,752 45,711
Hourly $23.04 $27.43 $31.82
HVAC Mechanic 242 242 Days 44,605 53,104 61,604
Lead Mechanic 242
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2024-2025 Substitute Rates

Classroom Teacher Substitute Per Day Per Half Day 11 Consecutive Days/Long Term
Non-Degreed/24 hours or more college credit-Including Grandfathered $110.00 $55.00 $135.00
Degreed (Non-Certified) $135.00 $67.50 $160.00
Certified/Retired Teacher (Texas) $170.00 $85.00 $195.00

Certified Long-Term (after 10 consecutive days on the same job assignment) any absences during the time of appointment to a long term assignment will revert to regular pay until you meet the 10 consecutive days again. Exceptions to continue on long term day are:

*Jury Duty — you must present documentation to the Human Resources Department

Other Professional Per Day Per Half Day
Nurse $140.00 $70.00
Hourly Substitutes Hourly Per Day
Paraprofessional-Instructional Aide $12.00
Paraprofessional-Special ED Aide-Resource/Inclusion $12.00
Paraprofessional-Special ED Aide-Applied Learning Environment/Self-Contained $14.00
Clerical $10.00
Food Service $10.83
Bus Driver $17.00
Campus Patrol $15.00
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2024-2025 Academic Tutor Pay Rates

Tutor Pay Rates Per Hour
Tutor - Less than 60 college hours $12.00
Tutor - 60+ college hours $20.00
Tutor - Degree(s) $25.00
Tutor - Certified Teacher (Texas) $28.00
Tutor - Current AISD Teacher $30.00
Academic Pay Rates Per Hour
Summer/Intersession Program Certified Teacher $35.00
Part-Time College Career Readiness Coordinator $30.00
Homebound Teacher $35.00
Part-Time Intervention Teacher $28.00
Part-Time Speech Language Pathologist Assistant $35.00
Teachers attending locally mandated professional development outside of contracted days $30.00
Supplemental pay for teachers persuing dual credit acceditation Up to $1000 for 3-5 college credit hours
Supplemental pay for teachers persuing dual credit accreditation Up to $1500 for 6+ college credit hours
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2024-2025 Supplemental/Miscellaneous Pay Rates

*For employees that do not have hourly pay rates

Position Per Hour
Gate Receipts/Ticket Taker $10.00
Athletics-Timekeeper/Bookkeeper/Helper $10.00
Hourly Coaching Staff $7.25
Hourly Clerical Staff $10.00
Hourly Summer Food Service Helper $12.00
Crossing Guard $12.00
Part-Time Migrant Clerk $16-$22
Part-Time Special Education Director $65.00
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2024-2025 Instructional Stipends and Supplemental Pay Schedule

Instructional Stipends
Elementary Teacher (Certified Bilingual/Assigned) $3,000
Elementary Teacher ESL/Assigned to ELAR Teacher of Record (Fully certified ESL or Bilingual) $3,000
Elementary Teacher Supplemental ESL/Assigned to Math, Science, and Social Studies. (Fully certified ESL or Bilingual/The class must consist of at least 51% EB students) $1,000
Secondary Teacher ESL/Assigned to ESL Classes Only. (Fully certified ESL/The class must consist of at least 51% EB students) $400 per class (Max: $2,000)
Special Education Teacher (ALE) Certified/Assigned $3,000
Special Education Teacher (Resource) Certified/Assigned $2,000
Science Teacher (Secondary Certified/Assigned) $4,000
Math Teacher (Secondary Certified/Assigned) $4,000
LASO II Strong Foundations Framework Planning(ELAR) $1,500
LASO II Strong Foundations Implementation (1st Year Implementation of Eureka Math) $1,500
LASO II Strong Foundations Implementation (2nd Year Implementation of Eureka Math) $500
Special Education Teacher Pre-K Collaborative $1,000
Extracurricular Stipends
High School
Gifted and Talented Coordinator $500
Yearbook $700
9th Grade Sponsor $500
10th Grade Sponsor $500
11th Grade Sponsor $1,500
11th Grade Co-Sponsor $500
12th Grade Sponsor $500
Student Council Sponsor $2,000
National Honor Society $1,000
UIL Theater $3,500
Band Director $4,000
Band Director UIL Competition $2,000
STEM/Robotics Sponsor $1,500
E-Sports $3,000
Speech/Debate Advisor $1,500
Extracurricular Stipends
Middle School
Gifted and Talented Coordinator $500
Student Council $500
National Junior Honor Society $500
Yearbook $500
STEM/Robotics $1,250
E-Sports $750
Extracurricular Stipends
Elementary School
Gifted and Talented Coordinator (K-2) $250
Gifted and Talented Coordinator (3-5) $250
English Spelling Bee $500
Spanish Spelling Bee $500
Yearbook $500
Science Fair Coordinator $500
STEM/Robotics $750
Student Council $500
Extracurricular Stipends
Dual Credit Teacher (Fully Credentialed in Subject Area) $2,000
Teacher Mentors 1-2 Teachers($250 per additional mentee) $500
Special Olympics $500
UIL Academics Elementary/Middle School Coordinator $500
UIL Academics High School Coordinator $500
UIL Academic Coaches(Per Event, Pro-rated for up to 3 entries) $500
CPI (Crisis Prevention Trainer) $500
CTE Teacher (Full Time CTE/Certified/Assigned) $2,000
CTE Coordinator $3,000
Special Education Counselor Administrative Duties $5,000
Extracurricular Stipends
Athletics Stipends
Athletic Director $5,000
Athletic Director - Additional Days $4,000
Athletic Trainer $15,000
Head Coach Football [Varsity & JV] $7,000
Asst Coach Football [Varsity & JV] $4,000
Asst Coach Football [Varsity & JV] $4,000
Asst Coach Football [Varsity & JV] $4,000
Asst Coach Football [Varsity & JV] $4,000
MS 8th Grade Coach Football $4,000
MS 7th Grade Coach Football $4,000
Head Coach Volleyball [Varsity & JV] $5,000
Asst. Coach Volleyball [Varsity & JV] $4,000
MS 8th Grade Volleyball Coach $2,500
MS 7th Grade Volleyball Coach $2,500
Varsity Coach Track - Boys $4,000
Varsity Coach Track - Girls $4,000
MS Coach Track- Boys $2,500
MS Coach Track-Girls $2,500
Head Coach Basketball [Var & JV Boys] $5,000
Asst Coach Basketball [Var & JV Boys] $4,000
Head Coach Basketball [Var & JV Girls] $5,000
Asst Coach Basketball [Var & JV Girls] $4,000
MS Softball Coach-8th Grade $2,500
MS Softball Coach-7th Grade $2,500
MS Baseball Coach-8th Grade $2,500
MS Baseball Coach-7th Grade $2,500
MS Coach Basketball-8th Grade Boys $2,500
MS Coach Basketball-7th Grade Boys $2,500
Extracurricular Stipends
Athletics Stipends
MS Coach Basketball-8th Grade Girls $2,500
MS Coach Basketball-7th Grade Girls $2,500
MS Cross-Country $2,500
Head Coach Cross Country $3,000
Head Coach Baseball $5,000
Assistant Coach Baseball $4,000
Head Coach Softball $5,000
Assistant Coach Softball $4,000
Varsity & JV Cheer Leading Coach $3,000
MS Cheer Leading Coach $1,000
Color guard $1,000
Winter guard $2,000
Marching Tech $500
Marching Tech $500
Percussion Tech $2,000
NOTE: Change in supplemental assignments may occur due to campus and/or district needs
Cell Phone Allowances
Campus Administrators/Athletic Director/Executive Director of State & Federal Programs
Executive Director of Finance/Director of HR/IT Director/Network Administrator/Maintenance Manager/ Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent/District PEIMS Coordinator/Communications & Safety Coordinator/Project Director Stronger Connections Program/Educational Diagnostician/ Director of Child Nutrition Services $50 monthly
Superintendent $100 monthly
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