District News

AISD enters partnership with Western Tech, paves way for students' certifications


By: Adriana Candelaria

A new partnership between Anthony Independent School District and Western Technical College is paving the way for Anthony High School students to graduate with valuable Career and Technical Education (CTE) certifications.

At the start of the 2024-2025 school year, AISD and Western Tech entered into an agreement to offer students a head start in CTE fields while they also earn their high school diplomas.

Twenty-two Anthony High School juniors met the required qualifications to join the program and are now enrolled in Associate of Applied Science in Computer Science, Advanced Welding, and Medical Clinical Assistant programs.

“I fell in love with the welding program,” said Angel Dominguez, AHS student. “I really think it’s a game changer, especially when you don’t know what you’re going to do after high school.”

School districts in Texas receive funding from the state for students enrolled in approved CTE programs, including Western Tech. Anthony ISD uses this funding to cover tuition costs for its students. The program not only gives students an advantage in their future careers but also saves them thousands of dollars in education costs they would otherwise incur after graduation.

“It’s nice to know that if you want to learn how to do something, you don’t have to pay for it—whether it’s welding, medical, or cybersecurity,” Dominguez said.

Being a CTE student enrolled in Western Tech requires determination and some small sacrifices for a bigger outcome. For example, students spend the first half of their school day taking their core high school classes. Instead of a regular lunch break, they pick up a to-go lunch and take a school bus on a 45-minute drive across the county to the Western Tech campus in the Lower Valley.

“The sacrifices are really worth it because, in general, that can lead you to any certification that you study enough for,” said Jaimie Terrazas, AHS student enrolled in the cybersecurity program.

“Anthony really is just a small school, so it’s harder to get that exposure to other opportunities, and this helps us out with figuring out, ‘Oh, these are things we can do.’”

At the moment, only qualifying juniors are part of the partnership program between AISD and Western Tech. Senior CTE students continue attending El Paso Independent School District’s Center for Career & Technology Education. AISD aims to expand the program in the upcoming year to include qualifying sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

Anthony High School radiates with new auditorium lights


By: Adriana Candelaria

Twenty-five years after its construction, the Anthony High School theater boasts a new glow.

Thanks to funds obtained through the Voter-Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE)—approved by voters in November—Anthony Independent School District purchased a sophisticated lighting system for its auditorium.

The district’s only auditorium is widely used for student fine arts performances, award presentations, elementary school graduations, and district convocations.

“The previous lighting system was installed when Anthony High School was built in 1999,” said Superintendent Dr. Oscar A. Troncoso. “Many of the old lights no longer worked. Not only was it necessary to update an obsolete system, but we hope the features of our new system give our school community yet another reason to be proud of being at Anthony ISD.”

The high-power stage lights can move and mix six colors (red, green, blue, amber, white, and UV) for dynamic effects. They can also project shapes, such as stars or swirls.

“The new lighting system is a complete game changer for what we will be able to do in our auditorium district wide,” said Kyle Fenner, Anthony High School English and Theater teacher. “The options available are truly staggering; the sky’s the limit for what our students will be able to create here at Anthony ISD. I am eager to see what the future holds for all of us.”

Not only will the new lights provide a color spectacle, but they also create a learning opportunity for students interested in lighting production.

Students have already been trained by a professional technician on how to operate the system.

“My first thoughts on the lights were that they were impressive. When Jerry – my classmate -- and I first got to the auditorium to be shown the new lights, they played a lights show with audio and a variety of different lighting effects,” said Jaimie Terrazas, Anthony High School student. “It's impressive even how much simpler the controls are compared to the old systems.”

The lights were purchased from AVX Tech Warehouse at a cost of $45,290.75.

This project marks the first completion under VATRE funding, following the voters’ approval of a 12-cent tax increase per $100 of property valuation for school taxes.

The district is currently working on the most anticipated VATRE-funded project -- the installation of air conditioning in the secondary school gyms and the elementary school cafeteria. The air conditioning installation is expected to be completed by summer 2025.

Learn more about the VATRE by clicking here. View behind-the-scenes photos of the light installation and training.

Anthony ISD earns Superior Achievement in financial integrity rating


By: Adriana Candelaria

As a testament to its effective financial management practices, the Anthony Independent School District’s Finance Department has been awarded an "A" accountability rating for Superior Achievement by the School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST).

Established by the Texas Legislature in 2001, FIRST ensures that Texas public schools are held accountable for the quality of their financial management practices. The system is designed to encourage Texas public schools to manage and maximize financial allocations for instructional purposes.

“It is our commitment to ensure that the district’s public funds are wisely invested in the people we are here to serve — our students,” said Emily Levario, Executive Director of Finance. “This rating is the result of a finance team that performs diligent work behind the scenes to ensure every cent is properly allocated. It also demonstrates the commitment to financial prudence shown by our Superintendent and Board of Trustees. We are thrilled that our commitment to financial integrity is reflected in this A rating for a second consecutive year.”

The ratings are based on annual financial reports submitted by school districts to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the previous fiscal year. These reports are reviewed by TEA, which then assigns a rating.

FIRST ratings are calculated using 21 financial indicators, such as administrative costs, the accuracy of a district’s financial report submitted to the TEA, and any financial vulnerabilities determined by an external auditor.

“We are very proud of our finance team for their hard work and dedication in achieving this A rating,” said Superintendent Dr. Oscar A. Troncoso. “Their strategic management of our funds enables the school board to make informed decisions when approving expenditures for district operations. From student travel to instructional materials, our finance department plays a crucial role in securing these resources for our students.”

The district will share the accountability rating details with the public at the regularly scheduled school board meeting on November 20, 2024, at the AISD Board Room, 840 6th Street, Anthony, TX 79821. To learn more about the ratings, please visit School FIRST.

Anthony High School names 2024 Homecoming Outstanding Alumnus


By: Adriana Candelaria

Anthony High School has selected Martin Lerma, firefighter and community volunteer, as its 2024 Homecoming Outstanding Alumnus.

Members of the community nominated Lerma in recognition of his nearly 30 years of dedicated service to Anthony, in various roles he has held since graduating in 1995.

“Homecoming week was my favorite time at Anthony,” Lerma shared. “All the high school grade levels would get together after school to collect pallets for the bonfire, and then we’d meet at someone’s house every night for two weeks to work on our class floats.”

He added, “Experiences like these, of hard work and dedication, shaped me into who I am today – whether it’s for my family, friends, or anyone who needs my help.”

Lerma currently serves with the El Paso Fire Department, but his commitment to public service extends beyond that. He has also worked with the Anthony Fire Department and is a current volunteer with West Valley Fire Department. His expertise includes rescuing fire victims, rendering emergency medical aid, and educating the community on fire safety.

Outside of his career, Lerma has been a volunteer coach for youth sports in Anthony since he graduated from high school.

From 2009 to 2015, he served on the Anthony ISD School Board, where he helped manage the district, set policies, approve budgets, and advocate for students.

From 2015 to 2019, Lerma took on the role of mayor for the Town of Anthony, overseeing various projects and department operations. Even after his time in office, he remains committed to the town by organizing fundraisers or efforts to support individuals in the community.

“I am honored to have been chosen for this recognition, and I humbly thank everyone for this award,” Lerma said.

Lerma can often be found supporting the school district at sporting events and stays actively involved. Anthony High School is thrilled to honor him as this year’s Outstanding Alumnus.

Homecoming week 2024 is being held Oct. 21 - Oct. 26. Anthony High School's homecoming parade is scheduled for Oct. 24 at 5:30 p.m. The parade will begin at Triangle Park, proceed on Franklin Street heading towards 4th Street, then turn from 4th Street to Wildcat Drive and finish at Anthony High School.

The homecoming football game is scheduled for Oct. 25 starting at 6 p.m. at the Tommy Sanchez Memorial Stadium. Anthony will play Alpine.

Anthony ISD schools receive T.E.A Purple Star Designations


By: Adriana Candelaria

All campuses within the Anthony Independent School District have been designated as Texas Education Agency (TEA) Purple Star campuses, an honor awarded to schools that demonstrate a commitment to supporting the unique needs of military-connected students and their families.

Anthony Elementary School, Anthony Middle School, and Anthony High School were all included in the 2024 list of recognized schools statewide.

“Our schools are honored to receive this recognition,” said AISD Superintendent Dr. Oscar Troncoso. “We understand that the sacrifices made by service members also impact their families, and our staff is dedicated to providing emotional, academic, and peer support to honor their resilience.”

TEA annually awards the Purple Star Campus designation to schools that meet criteria such as establishing a military liaison, maintaining a student ambassador program, and offering resources to help military students succeed despite challenges like parental deployment or frequent moves. The designation will remain valid for two years.

Anthony ISD actively celebrates its military community, including hosting events like Purple Up Day during April’s Military Child Month. For more information about available resources for military students, visit the AISD Military Families tab on our website.

AISD Voter Approval Tax Rate Election heads to Nov. 5 polls

Anthony Independent School District (AISD)’s Board of Trustees approved a Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) during a special board meeting held Aug. 17.

In a unanimous vote, the board of trustees agreed to place the AISD VATRE on the Nov. 5 election ballot.

AISD's VATRE asks voters to consider a 12-cent increase to the district's maintenance and operations tax rate. In Texas, M&O budgets are used to fund daily operations, such as salaries, student programs and utilities.

Any property owner who lives within Anthony ISD boundaries would pay 12 cents more per $100 of property valuation. The average taxable home in Anthony, Texas is $67,797. This would mean $81 more per year – or $6.75 per month – in taxes.

If approved by voters, the AISD VATRE is estimated to generate $275,000 in local funding and $775,000 in state funding.

Anthony ISD, like many other districts across the state, is experiencing a budget shortfall. Since 2019, there has been no increase by lawmakers to the basic allotment for school districts despite inflation. According to the Consumer Price Index, average inflation since 2019 has increased by 17%.

Passage of the VATRE will generate more local and state funds each year. The district will use these funds to balance our budget, address facility and fleet needs, provide student programming and for teacher and staff salaries.

Three of the district’s priorities if the VATRE passes are the following:

  •        Installing refrigerated air conditioning in the Anthony Middle School and Anthony High School gyms plus the Anthony Elementary School           cafeteria (the buildings currently account with evaporative coolers).
  •        Resurfacing the Tommy Sanchez Memorial Football Field track that was originally installed in 2012.
  •        Replacing its aging fleet, which includes a 2009 charter bus.

Passage of the VATRE will not cause an increase in property taxes for Homeowners 65 and over or disabled who have applied for and received the Over 65 Homestead Exemption. However, individuals in these groups can still vote for or against the VATRE.

AISD will host a variety of community meetings to discuss information for the VATRE. The first informational session will be held Wednesday, August 22 at 5 p.m. in the Anthony High School auditorium during the Senior Parent meeting. The district will update the community about future informational meetings as well.

AISD shines at ESC-19 Teacher of the Year ceremony


By: Adriana Candelaria

Anthony Independent School District (AISD) received notable recognition at the Education Service Center (ESC) 19’s annual Teacher of the Year (TOY) ceremony on Aug. 10.

Anthony High School teacher Hiram Espinosa received first runner-up in the ESC-19 Secondary Teacher of the Year category. The recognition is given to top teachers in the region who demonstrate excellence in education. Mr. Espinosa has made a lasting impact on his students through his English projects and by establishing the district's esports team.

Anthony Elementary School teacher Carolina Bustamante represented AISD in the Elementary Teacher of the Year category. She showcased her outstanding skills in creating the building blocks of a child’s early education.

Both teachers underwent a rigorous process of interviews with ESC-19 to showcase their commitment to students and their education. They competed with TOYs from every district in ESC-19.

Mr. Espinosa and Ms. Bustamante represented AISD with the heart, compassion, optimism and dedication that many AISD educators embody.

AISD Superintendent Dr. Oscar A. Troncoso was also recognized for being selected as ESC-19’s Superintendent of the Year.

Dr. Troncoso delivered a speech on the importance of educators in guiding students toward better life paths, regardless of their home situations. He also expressed gratitude to the AISD Board of Trustees, administrators, principals, teachers, and employees for their dedication to making AISD a great district.

The recognition of AISD’s educators and superintendent showcased the district's exceptional qualities within the region. Though small in size, AISD consistently demonstrates its strength through persistent determination to create a better tomorrow.

CIS Coordinators

Anthony ISD welcomes Communities in Schools program


By: Adriana Candelaria

Starting the 2024-2025 school year, Anthony Independent School District is partnering with Communities in Schools (CIS), a program designed to support families and students by addressing students’ academic and intrapersonal needs. This initiative is made possible by the district’s successful application for the competitive $1 million Stronger Connections Grant awarded by the Texas Education Agency.

Each campus now counts with a dedicated CIS coordinator. The appointed coordinators are Britini Martin Del Campo at Anthony Elementary School, Denyse Bencomo at Anthony Middle School, and Diane Acosta at Anthony High School.

“Our top priority is ensuring that their child has all the tools necessary to succeed in school and post-graduation,” said Melissa Leos, Stronger Connections Program Director.

CIS staff will conduct comprehensive campus needs assessments to identify specific requirements, service gaps, available resources, and the goals and priorities of campus administration. Based on these assessments, they will develop targeted service plans to address identified needs.

"We are so very thrilled and deeply honored to collaborate with the district in addressing the community's needs,” said Britini Martin Del Campo, CIS Coordinator.

“I believe each one of us brings unique qualities that contribute to building relationships and offering compassion and hope to families facing economic hardships, which may be affecting their children's performance at school. We are here with open arms, ready make a positive impact. We want to remind them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.”

In partnership with community providers, CIS staff provide a range of intentionally targeted services that are offered broadly to all students on campus and more intensively to a smaller cohort of case-managed students to ensure all students receive the level of support needed to consistently come to school ready to learn and remain on the path to graduation. CIS receives parental permission to monitor student level data and track educational outcomes for all case-managed students served.

CIS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization funded through contracts with school districts, dedicated to fostering educational success for all students.

2024 Region 19 Superintendent of the Year

Anthony ISD's Dr. Troncoso named Region 19's Superintendent of the Year


By: Adriana Candelaria

Anthony Independent School District (AISD) Superintendent Dr. Oscar A. Troncoso has received the honorable 2024 ESC Region-19 Superintendent of the Year (SOTY) award for his visionary leadership of the district.

Each year, Texas education service center regions nominate superintendents whose exceptional leadership has significantly

improved the quality of education in their district. Dr. Troncoso was selected by a committee to represent the El Paso/Hudspeth Counties region at the SOTY state level competition in August.

“I am deeply humbled and honored to receive this recognition. I am inspired by the progress we have made and remain

dedicated to finding innovative ways to continue improving our district,” Dr. Troncoso said.

With 17 years of service in the AISD community, Dr. Troncoso has held various leadership roles, including principal and

assistant superintendent. Since becoming superintendent in 2019, he has overseen the district through numerous

achievements, including:

  • Transforming AISD into an Exemplary Performance A-rated school district, as recognized by the Texas Education Agency in 2022.
  • Making numerous safety and technological improvements to infrastructure of the school district to maximize student safety.
  • Securing the $1 million Stronger Connections grant to provide a safe and supportive school environment.
  • Earning a Meets Requirements designation for the 2021 Special Education Determination Status, one of the few Region-19 districts to do so.
  • Earning Texas Education Agency Purple Star designations for Anthony Elementary School and Anthony Middle School to support military students and families.
  • Improving salaries and benefits for teachers and employees, making Anthony ISD one of highest paying districts in the region.
  • Receiving the Soteria National Leadership Award for effectively using technology and intervention strategies to reduce vaping and disruptive behaviors in K-12 environments.

“I am grateful for the support of the board, our talented staff, and the wonderful community we serve. Our success is truly a

team effort, and I look forward to continuing our mission of excellence in education,” Troncoso said.

In August, the Texas Association of School Boards will conduct interviews with SOTY regional winners to select five state

finalists. The finalists will undergo another round of interviews before a state winner is announced in San Antonio this


Anthony ISD Offers Free Summer Meals for Children Ages 1-18


By: Adriana Candelaria

Children ages 1 through 18 can get a free and nutritious meal through Anthony Independent School District’s Summer Food Service Program. No registration or proof of income are required to participate. Any child may walk up to the distribution site and collect their meal. To comply with Texas Department of Agriculture requirements, the meals must be consumed on-site.

The AISD Child Nutrition Department will set up six locations in the Anthony vicinity to offer well-balanced meals to any child who desires one.

Below is the schedule for the Summer Food Service Program:

June 3 through June 14, Monday through Friday.

June 17 through July 18, Monday through Thursday.

District closed June 19 and July 1-5.

Locations and times:

Anthony Elementary School, 610 S 6th St, Anthony, TX 79821

  • Breakfast 7:30 am – 8:30 am
  • Lunch 11:00 am– 1:00 pm

Anthony Middle and High Schools, 813 S 6th St, Anthony, TX 79821

  • Breakfast 7:45 – 8:45 am
  • Lunch 11:00 am– 1:00 pm

Los Torres Altos Park, 3025 Bariloche Dr, Anthony, TX 79821

  • Breakfast 8:00 – 9:00 am
  • Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Triangle Park, between Richard White and Franklin St

  • Breakfast 7:45 – 9:45 am
  • Lunch 11:30 – 1:30 pm


Gallegos Park, 6209, 7361 Bosque Rd, Canutillo, TX 79835

  • Lunch 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Wet ‘N’ Wild Water World, 8804 S Desert Blvd, Anthony, TX 79821

  • Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Anthony ISD teachers receive state incentive for achieving positive student outcomes


By: Adriana Candelaria

Five Anthony Independent School District teachers are being rewarded for their impactful work by being selected for the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program, a state initiative for teachers to earn a significant financial incentive based on effective student outcomes.

TIA was established during the 86th legislative session through House Bill (HB) 3 to recruit, retain, and reward highly effective teachers. To qualify for TIA, school districts must implement a system based on teacher observations and student growth measures.  The qualification system must be reviewed and approved by the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

Once teachers meet eligibility requirements, they generate a TIA funding allotment for the district. The funds are provided by TEA. Annual funding allotments are based on designations, rural status of the campus and level of student economic need. Teachers can receive the following three designations: Recognized ($3,000-$9,000), Exemplary ($6,000-18,000), and Master ($12,000-$32,000).

At the end of the 23-24 school year, Anthony ISD proudly recognized the following teachers as the district’s first cohort of TIA educators:

  • Nicole Stokes, Exemplary Designation, Anthony Elementary School
  • Crystal Cammon, Recognized Designation, Anthony Elementary School
  • Ilene Chavez, Recognized Designation, Anthony Elementary School
  • Gerardo Martinez, Recognized Designation, Anthony Middle School
  • Magdalena Hernandez, Recognized Designation, Anthony Middle School

"Our talented and seasoned teachers admitted to the TIA program embody the excellence and dedication that we strive for in our district,” said Superintendent Dr. Oscar A. Troncoso.

“This achievement recognizes their dedication and expertise but also provides them with additional compensation.”

Anthony ISD received $46,520 for its TIA program. Teachers in the district’s first TIA cohort are eligible for amounts between $7,737 and $27, 791 in addition to their annual salary and stipend opportunities. Designated teachers are expected to receive their payout at the end of May. View the photo gallery below.

Anthony ISD Teacher Receives Classroom Donation From Whataburger


By: Adriana Candelaria

One fortunate Anthony ISD teacher is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week with a grand surprise from Whataburger.

As part of Anthony ISD’s Partners in Education Program, Whataburger donated $1,000 for school supplies to Anthony High School’s Teacher of the Year Hiram Espinosa. The donation was presented to Espinosa during an assembly on May 6 with other high school students, teachers and staff.

“I am incredibly humbled by Whataburger’s donation. Being recognized as the Teacher of the Year for our district was a blessing, and I feel even more blessed by Whataburger’s generosity,” Espinosa said.

“I do my best for the students of this community, and it is incredibly motivating to have a community partner aid us along the way.”

Anthony ISD’s Partners in Education Program collaborates with organizations, businesses and sponsors who enhance our educational community’s progress through their generous donation of time, resources, and funding.

“We extend our heartfelt thanks to Whataburger for their generous donation, which not only honors our Teacher of the Year but also celebrates the invaluable impact educators have on shaping our future,” said Superintendent Dr. Oscar A. Troncoso.

Not only did Espinosa receive a Texas-sized surprise, but Whataburger also brought cookies for students and other tasty menu items for teachers.

“At Whataburger, we believe in spreading Goodness 24/7—and Mr. Espinosa does that every day for his students and across Anthony ISD,” said Whataburger Regional Field Marketing Manager Tania Moran.

“We're honored to recognize him and over 60 other teachers across our Whataburger communities by awarding them these classroom grants. It's our way of saying thank you for all the love and time they give to students in our community.”

Espinosa is an esteemed English teacher who started his teaching career at Anthony ISD nearly five years ago. At the peak of COVID-19 in 2020, he organized one of the first esports teams for students in the El Paso County region. In his English class, Espinosa encourages critical thinking and independence qualities in students. Anthony ISD is incredibly proud to have Mr. Espinosa represent our district as our newest Teacher of the Year for our Secondary Schools.

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Anthony ISD Receives National Award for Efforts to Deter Vaping in Schools


By: Adriana Candelaria

Anthony Independent School District (AISD) is being recognized for its efforts to combat vaping among young people.

Soter Technologies -- a provider of sensor technologies and software solutions -- selected AISD as the recipient of the Soteria National Leadership Award, a recognition for organizations that effectively use technology and intervention strategies to reduce vaping.

In September 2022, AISD installed vape sensors throughout undisclosed areas in Anthony Middle School and Anthony High School. The vape sensors are designed to activate upon detection of vape emissions by sending a notification to administration and safety personnel for intervention.

“Efforts to reduce vaping are not merely about enforcing rules; they are about protecting the health, potential, and promise of every young person in our care,” said Oscar A. Troncoso, AISD Superintendent.

Before the implementation of the vape detection sensors, school administration relied on tips or observations of suspected vaping incidents. Following the installation, the vape sensors have provided administration with the necessary insight to implement intervention strategies and educational outreach to deter vaping in the district.

Anthony High School data shows there were three cases of vaping in the 21-22 school year, four cases in the 22-23 school year, and three cases in the 23-24 school year. While the number of cases is not large compared to other scenarios in other parts of the country, AISD has taken the proactive approach of installing vape sensors to ensure its schools remain a safe and healthy place to learn.

During the award presentation on April 18, members of Soter Technologies presented the Soteria National Leadership Award to AISD Board of Trustees President Angel Cuellar, Anthony High School Principal Sandra Espinoza and Anthony Middle School Principal Veronica Ordoñez. The recognition marks a significant milestone in AISD's ongoing mission to create a safe and healthy environment for its students.

Anthony ISD Opens Registration for the 24-25 School Year

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open for future and returning Anthony Independent School District students from all grade levels.

For the second consecutive year, Anthony ISD will accept students starting at the age of three for its pre-K program.

Anthony ISD’s pre-K program is discovery-based learning grounded in a creative curriculum. The K-5 program uses the rigorous Amplify accelerated curriculum, as well as a blended learning (digital and traditional teaching) approach. Our 6-12 secondary teachers are trained to teach at a rigorous level and with innovative approaches. All our students are provided with a laptop, iPad or chrome book to integrate technology.

Returning students can be registered online on the AISD Parent Portal. New students must be registered in person at any of our three campuses. Call any one of our campuses for more information:

  • Anthony Elementary School (915) 886-6510
  • Anthony Middle School (915) 886-6530
  • Anthony High School (915) 886-6550

The following documents are needed to complete the enrollment process:

  • Student’s birth certificate
  • Record of immunization
  • Social security number
  • Proof of residency
  • Withdrawal paperwork from the previous school (if applicable)
  • Transcript or latest report card from previous school
  • Parent/guardian ID.

With a 15:1 student-teacher ratio, Anthony ISD offers small classes that allow students to receive highly effective instruction. The district’s outstanding educators led the district to become an exemplary A-rated school district in the Texas Education Agency’s 22-23 Accountability Rating System!

Anthony ISD offers strong academic programs, award-winning fine arts programs, athletics, Esports, robotics, vocational programs and much more for students at the elementary, middle and high school levels. The district is an open-enrollment district for all Texas residents.

Anthony ISD announces Melissa Leos as Project Director of Stronger Connections Program

Anthony ISD has hired Melissa Leos as Project Director of the Stronger Connections Program, a vital initiative aimed at addressing and responding to bullying, violence, and acts of hate within Texas school districts.

With nearly 18 years of experience in social work and human services, Leos brings a wealth of expertise and dedication to her new role.

Since 2017, Leos has served as the Anthony ISD as the Parent and Community Engagement Leader and Migrant Education Specialist. During her tenure at Anthony ISD, Leos has built rapport with district parents to help them navigate the school system and to provide support services. She has also worked to identify migrant students and help them successfully transition to postsecondary education and/or employment.

In her capacity as Project Director, Leos will provide daily oversight of the Stronger Connections Grant. She will work closely with school administrators to analyze and gather information regarding students’ behavior and implement practices to assist the students with improving their mental and emotional health, among other requirements of the Stronger Connections Grant.

"I am deeply honored to assume the role of Project Director for the Stronger Connections Program at Anthony ISD. With this initiative, we will be dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment where students can thrive academically and socially,” Leos said.

The Stronger Connections Grant is a $1 million grant that was awarded to Anthony ISD in November by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to improve safe and healthy learning environments. The grant will provide funding through September 2026. Read more about the Stronger Connections Grant here.

Anthony ISD voluntarily participates in lead testing program for drinking water

In the ongoing mission for students' health and safety, Anthony ISD will participate in a voluntary program to test the district's drinking water for lead.

This program is provided by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ) Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program (LTSCC). It is a voluntary statewide program that offers free training and guidance on how to reduce exposure to lead in drinking water where children are cared for.

Financial support is made possible by the TCEQ and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). District leadership anticipate collecting drinking water samples within the next 45 days.

Activities will include:

● Identifying outlets used for drinking and food preparation.

● Collecting water samples at those outlets

● Analyzing collected samples using an accredited drinking water laboratory

● Reviewing results and taking action to reduce exposure to lead, as needed.

● Communicating the results to our community

● Continuing to work on reducing any potential lead exposure at our facility.

Lead is a heavy metal, and some drinking water pipes, taps, solder, and other plumbing materials contain lead. For more information about the sources of lead and health effects of lead please visit the EPA’s “Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water” web page. Results will be available on TCEQ’s LTSCC Program webpage at

For more information about the LTSCC Program, you can visit the program webpage, email, or call the helpline at (737) 276-1987.

Anthony ISD awarded $1 million Stronger Connections Grant from TEA

Anthony Independent School District is one of 97 school districts in Texas to receive the $1 million Stronger Connections Grant. The grant’s purpose is to fund initiatives for school districts to improve safe and healthy learning environments.

The grant was awarded by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) as a portion of $93,985,252 that was awarded to TEA from the U.S. Department of Education BSCA Stronger Connections grant program.

The Texas Stronger Connections Grant will provide the following:

  • Professional development and funding for training for Safe and Supportive Schools Programs
  • Technical assistance to support development, implementation, and sustainable practices.
  • Development of family and community engagement partnerships to offer mental, behavioral, emotional and physical health resources.
  • Address student mental, behavioral, emotional, and physical health and wellness needs through the implementation of the Student Support Team structure.
  • Trauma-Informed practices, emergency plan development, and site assessments.

"The Stronger Connections Grant is not just a financial boost; it's a crucial resource for our students' safety and educational well-being,” said Sandra Honts, AISD Executive Director of State and Federal Programs.

“With this grant, we are empowered to cultivate an environment that provides students with the security, support, and opportunities they need to flourish and reach their full potential."

Despite the $1 million awarded amount to Anthony ISD for the Stronger Connections Grant, there are non-negotiable costs. As part of the non-negotiable costs, the Texas School Safety Center will receive $100,000, ESC-Region19 will receive $60,000 and direct or indirect costs will sum up to $106,380 – leaving Anthony ISD with $733,620 to spend on the initiatives.

The grant was awarded to Anthony ISD in November and will provide funding through September 2026. To learn more about the grant, visit TEA.

Anthony ISD introduces new District Nurse

Anthony ISD is elated to introduce Lorena Salas Armendariz as the new District Nurse. Salas Armendariz has more than 20 years of experience working with patients of various socio-economic backgrounds and ages in private and public health settings.

Salas Armendariz is no stranger to the pivotal role of a school nurse. She has 11 years of prior experience working as a school nurse at the elementary and middle school level.

“Parents can trust that their children are in the hands of a seasoned healthcare professional who understands the unique challenges and considerations of the school environment,” said Superintendent Dr. Oscar A. Troncoso.

Before becoming a nurse, Salas Armendariz also worked as a registered dental hygienist from 2002 to 2009. She is fully bilingual in English and Spanish.

"I'm thrilled to start as the school nurse at Anthony ISD. I'm especially excited to meet all the students and staff. I look forward to supporting the students' health and being a part of their everyday school experience," Armendariz said.

”Salas Armendariz obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas at El Paso in 2009. She began her employment with Anthony ISD on Jan. 4, 2024.

AISD honors retiring district nurse after 48 years of employment 

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, Texas -- Dec. 5, 2023) After dedicating nearly half a century to the health and wellbeing of Anthony ISD students, District Nurse Marlene White will retire at the end of December.

White has a remarkable 52-year career in the field of healthcare with 48 of those years working at AISD.

Her tireless work has been nothing short of heroic since the beginning of her trajectory in the district. White says she first learned about the immediate AISD job opening in 1975 through a nurse in Canutillo. She was told by the Canutillo nurse that AISD urgently required a full-time nurse to update student immunizations. The urgency, according to White, was due to the district being at risk of closure after an audit revealed non-compliance with student shot records. White was instantly hired and started working a few days later.

“Since I had previously worked for the El Paso County Health Department, I knew the immunization schedule,” White said. “I started looking through vaccination cards and took the students on the bus – there were that many -- to the clinic in Canutillo to get their shots. We did that until everyone was caught up,” White said.

Currently, White says 100 percent of the student population has its required immunizations, a testament of how far the community’s health and immunization awareness has come.

Her natural leadership skills that prevented the district from having to shut down formed the start of a profound impact that White would have on AISD.

First responder during emergencies

In 1993, an act of crime in Anthony cast a dark shadow over the safety and harmony of a school environment but shined a light on the vital role of a school nurse.

White says on School Nurse Day in January of 1993, she received a frantic call about a stabbing that occurred inside what is currently Anthony Middle School. At the time, the building was Anthony High School.

“Never did I dream that it was what I saw when I got there,” White said.

White vividly remembers seeing a student with stab wounds on the floor.

“I just got someone’s hand and said ‘press as hard as you can’ while I evaluated the bleeding and the breathing. He didn’t have a pulse, so I started CPR,” White said.

White recalls hearing ambulance sirens in the distance during critical minutes that seemed eternal. She got into the ambulance with the student, but a sad reality dawned on her when she saw the EMT was unable to find suitable veins to begin an IV fluid.

“When we got to the hospital, the doctor said they couldn’t have saved him even if he had been across the street, because he just bled out,” White said.

When asked about the things in her career that impacted her, White thinks about this student’s death along with a second student who she says died later the same year due to leukemia. The student’s symptoms began manifesting at school, and White was the first responder to address the student’s condition.

“My school nurses association asked me to talk to the nurses about the stabbing, because it’s something that can happen at any school. We never know what phone call is going to say ‘come’ and you don’t know what you’re going to find, and you have to take care of it right then and there,” White said.

Despite the devastating cases that White encountered as a school nurse that year, she said they showed her how far her strength could go; both situations reaffirmed to her that she was in the right career.

“I just love working with the kids and the families here and being a part of the community,” White said.

In a proactive initiative following the tragedies, White started a Girl Scouts troop in Anthony. The group offered an empowering outlet for students to cultivate healthy and useful habits.

Courage amidst a crisis

In 2020, White played a pivotal role in safeguarding the Anthony ISD community during the COVID-19 pandemic. She spearheaded the opening of a testing site in the school district, offering accessible and reliable COVID-19 testing to the community.

“We did it for the community because there really wasn’t another place close for them to go to. Day after day, we’d test. That was a pretty intense time,” White said.

As the virus ravaged through El Paso County, making it one of the country’s COVID-19 hotspots in 2020, White braved the health risks associated with COVID-19 to ensure anyone who needed a test could receive one promptly. She became one with her personal protective equipment.

“I didn’t get covid through all of that. I was able to escape until September of this year, but I think that was because my immune system was compromised due to my chemo,” White said.

As at-home tests and vaccinations became more popular, the demand for COVID-19 testing in the district dwindled. Testing services in the district eventually stopped when funding was no longer provided. In May of 2023, the federal COVID-19 declaration ended.

Navigating farewells and embracing change

A husband, three kids, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren (with an additional great grandchild on the way!) eagerly await White’s retirement.

“The way she just cares for the community is something that has rubbed off on us,” said Troy, White’s youngest son.

“Our whole family is pretty willing to help anybody.”

Troy recalled a caring mother whose values of compassion, care and empathy made a unique impact on generations of families in Anthony.

“When people look back at it, it’s more than just the school, it’s the entire community. In some cases, the only healthcare source possibly is through the school nurse, which I think is pretty remarkable,” Troy said.

Despite White’s last day of work being December 20, she is exploring volunteering opportunities to assist the new district nurse with the transition. She is also looking forward to traveling to visit her family, although she admits the separation will be difficult.

“I’m sad. I’ve been coming here for a long time, and I’m starting to see now that there’s things I can do at home. I think about my grandkids and great grandkids, and I look forward to spending more time with them,” White said.

White, who is also a recent cancer survivor, has become a symbol of determination and strength at Anthony ISD. May her story of selflessness and dedication remind us of an individual’s power to make a difference in the lives of others.

Anthony ISD hosts annual turkey giveaway

Anthony ISD is fostering a sense of compassion and generosity with its annual Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway event.

Thanks to the goodwill of the community, Anthony ISD employees and volunteers began distributing turkeys and traditional Thanksgiving side dishes to families in the community on Thursday, Nov. 16.

“We are incredibly grateful to our community partners who donated to make this event possible,” said Melissa Leos, AISD Parental and Community Engagement Leader.

“Despite Anthony, Texas being a small community, many of us are always enthusiastic to support one another in any way we can,” Leos said.

Approximately 70 turkeys were donated this year by the combined effort of the following people: Anthony ISD employees, parents and students, Town of Anthony leadership, Anthony Texas Police Department, El Paso Health, and American Legion Livesay-Chavez Post 122.

Student Council groups from Anthony Elementary School, Anthony Middle School, and Anthony High School held canned and boxed food drives to collect the ingredients necessary for families to make delectable meals this Thanksgiving.

“The food was organized and placed into cardboard boxes for families, which were identified by our school counselors as needing a little extra support this Thanksgiving,” Leos said.

Furthermore, the spirit of giving will continue with any surplus food that will be donated to a local foodbank.

Amid challenges and uncertainties while many feel the impact of inflation, Anthony ISD is thankful to practice community service, empathy and generosity for community members who may need it this season.

Anthony ISD men don high heels in honor of domestic violence survivors

In a powerful display of solidarity and support for the fight against domestic violence, a team of men from Anthony Independent School District participated in the YWCA event, 'Walk A Mile in Her Shoes.'

The annual event challenges traditional gender stereotypes and expectations by encouraging men to walk in bright, red high heels and fundraising for domestic violence survivors. This year, the event took place in San Jacinto Plaza in downtown El Paso on Oct. 19.

The AISD team was comprised of Jaime De La Torre, Director of Instructional Support, Hilario Lozoya, Finance Coordinator, and Anthony Hinsley, Anthony Middle School teacher.

“This was the first time, to my knowledge, that AISD participates in this important campaign,” said Jaime De La Torre, Director of Instructional Support, who initiated and recruited the team.

“The event was important, because it allows us to reflect on the way we hold ourselves accountable and treat the other gender. It’s about respecting each other at all times,” De La Torre said.

The YWCA's 'Walk A Mile in Her Shoes' event has been instrumental in breaking down stereotypes and fostering a sense of community.

“When we talk about how we interact with others, that’s a message for our male community to ensure that we are doing the best that we can to exhibit respect and set an example for future generations,” De La Torre said.

The Anthony ISD team successfully collected $703 for the cause. The event collectively raised an astounding $162,974, demonstrating the power of community!

Anthony ISD Levels Up Homecoming with video game theme

The halls of Anthony High School were abuzz with excitement as students, staff, and alumni came together to celebrate this year's homecoming. Students chose a video game homecoming theme that transported everyone to the world of pixels and controllers.

The creativity of students shined brightly as they decorated classroom doors to showcase iconic video game characters such as Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros., Kirby and Sonic. Ultimately, juniors took the victory for the door decorating contest when they transformed a classroom into a Pac-Man arcade game with the action maze starting from the hallway to the ceiling of the building.

AHS Student Council held a week packed with events from dress up days to lunchtime activities, a district-wide pep rally and homecoming parade. The community came united as alumni, families and students throughout the district showed up to see beloved traditions and new initiatives. View the photo gallery for a recap of events.

Anthony High School selects champion of education as Homecoming Honored Ex

[Anthony, TX] – Anthony High School has selected Class of 1987 graduate Dr. Victoria Salas-Pando as the 2023

Homecoming Honored Ex.

Dr. Salas-Pando was nominated by community members for her inspiring story of overcoming tremendous odds and turning them into a reason to help others facing similar challenges.

She was about 10 years old when she migrated to the U.S. with her family and enrolled at Anthony Elementary School. As a newcomer to the country, she says attending Anthony ISD played a major impact in unfolding her potential and led her to become the senior class Salutatorian.

“I was inspired by my teachers at Anthony ISD. I still hold very fond memories of those who believed in

me,” Dr. Salas-Pando said.

“I was a newcomer to the district and to this community knowing zero English, and they inspire me to

accomplish many things despite my challenges."

It was these very teachers and parents who ignited her passion for education and helping others.

Dr. Salas-Pando enrolled at New Mexico State University two years after graduating high school and obtained her Bachelor of Science in general and special education. She was a special education teacher for approximately seven years.

“Working with children with special needs sparked an interest. I took a very personal and high priority

focus on dyslexia,” Dr. Salas-Pando explained.

Dr. Salas-Pando's passion for helping students with various educational-diverse needs continued to evolve. In the subsequent years, she became a certified academic language therapist and a licensed educational diagnostician. She also pursued a Master of Arts in Special Education with a focus on helping students with hearing impairments. Furthermore, she obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration in 2015. The focus of her dissertation was based on how elementary schools can support English language learners with dyslexia in a way that is responsive to their cultural needs.

“I believe perseverance and determination are a bigger part of the formula for success,” Dr. Salas-Pando said. “It’s about commitment to achieve one’s goals despite challenges and setbacks.”

Currently, Dr. Salas-Pando imparts her knowledge and expertise at her place of employment at Gadsden ISD. She is also a New Mexico State University adjunct faculty member in the psychology department as part of their psychology program.

Dr. Salas-Pando's journey from a newcomer to a distinguished advocate for special education populations serves as a shining example to all Anthony High School students. Her message to students is clear: "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” (Thomas Edison).

Anthony High School is proud to honor Dr. Victoria Salas-Pando as the 2023 Homecoming Honored Ex, celebrating her incredible achievements and the enduring impact of her educational journey. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of dedication, resilience, and the unwavering belief in the potential of every student.

The AHS Homecoming Honored Ex was selected by a committee composed of the AISD Board President, Parent Liaison, AHS principal, and three AHS teachers. Community members were invited to nominate an exemplary graduate for therecognition.

  • 8-Foot Non-Scalable Fence

    The new security fence adds an extra layer of protection to Anthony Elementary School for the 23-24 school year.

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  • Windows with Security Film

    Anthony Elementary School classroom windows have been upgraded with a 3M Ultra Security film to improve their shatter resistance. 


Anthony ISD implements improved safety measures for the 2023-2024 school year

Anthony Elementary School is upgrading its facility safety features to continue the district’s mission of providing a safe environment where students can focus on learning and thriving without unnecessary concerns.


These enhanced safety upgrades, which include the installation of an 8-foot non-scalable fence, fortified resistant film windows, additional security cameras, and extra silent panic alert technology, are made possible by a $200,000 grant received by Anthony Independent School District (AISD) from the TEA 2022-2025 School Safety Standards Formula Grant.

The following key safety improvements are being installed at AISD and were allowable costs under the School Safety Standards Formula Grant:

  • 8-Foot Non-Scalable Fence: A non-scalable chain-link fence with privacy mesh was installed during the summer break around Anthony Elementary School. The fence was built in accordance with TEA’s safety standards to qualify for the grant. In addition to the newly built fence, Anthony Elementary School follows state protocol to maintain exterior doors locked at all times.


  • Windows with Security Film: Anthony Elementary School classroom windows have been upgraded with a 3M Ultra Security film to improve their shatter resistance. While the window film is not a guaranteed bullet-proof barrier, its purpose is to make the window harder to break during potential intrusions, attacks or accidents while still allowing natural light to fill the classrooms. 


  • Extra Security Cameras: Additional security cameras are in the process of being strategically placed throughout the district’s property to expand monitoring capabilities. These high-tech cameras will provide comprehensive coverage, enabling the administration to proactively respond to any security concerns.


  • Silent Panic Alert Technology: Additional silent panic alert technology will be placed throughout the school district. The panic alert technology is meant to notify law enforcement or school administration of an emergency and reduce a delay in response time.

AISD Superintendent Dr. Oscar A. Troncoso emphasized the message that safety has always been, and continues to be, the district’s priority. 

"With the implementation of these upgrades, we are taking significant strides towards achieving a more secure campus and district," Dr. Troncoso stated. "These measures underscore our unwavering commitment to fostering an atmosphere of trust and excellence, allowing our students to flourish academically and personally in the safest environment possible."

The purpose of the 2023-2024 School Safety Standards Formula Grant is to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) in meeting the Chapter 61, Sub-chapter CC, 61.1031 of Commissioner's Rules and to include other security related costs like metal detectors, cameras, and monitoring tools such as those allowed under the school safety allotment, the Senate Bill 500 school safety and security grant, and the silent panic alert technology grant. 

Anthony ISD Hosts Community Health Fair, Offers School Supplies to Students

[Anthony, TX] – As part of Anthony ISD’s ongoing commitment to the wellness of its students and families, the district will host its annual community health fair July 27 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Anthony High School Auditorium.

Anthony ISD’s health fair will bring together a diverse range of organizations to provide valuable health resources and services to the community.  Participants will have the opportunity to interact with various healthcare providers, community organizations, and local businesses focused on improving the health and wellness of the community.

Free backpacks with school supplies will be provided to students to help them prepare for the upcoming academic year.

Immunize El Paso, a prominent local healthcare organization, will be present at the fair to offer child immunizations and COVID-19 vaccines. This valuable service will ensure that families have access to important vaccinations to protect their children and themselves against preventable diseases.

This initiative reflects the district's commitment to supporting students' educational journey and ensuring they have the necessary tools for success.

"We are thrilled to host the health fair for the third year in a row and bring together various organizations and resources to support the health and well-being of our community," said Melissa Leos, Anthony ISD Parental and Community Engagement Leader. "This event serves as a valuable opportunity for individuals and families to access important healthcare services, receive educational information, and connect with local organizations that can provide ongoing support."

The Anthony Independent School District extends its gratitude to all the participating organizations and sponsors who have generously contributed to making this event possible.

Anthony ISD offers free summer meals for children ages 1-18

Children ages 1 through 18 can get a free and nutritious meal through Anthony Independent School District’s Summer Food Service Program.

No registration, proof of income or fees are required to participate. Any child may walk up to the distribution site and collect their meal, but they are asked to remain in the area until they finish their meal to comply with requirements from the Texas Department of Agriculture.

The AISD Child Nutrition Department will set up six locations in the community to offer well-balanced meals to any child who desires one.

Below is the schedule for the Summer Food Service Program:

June 5 through June 16, Monday through Friday

June 19 through July 21, Monday through Thursday

District closed June 19 and July 3-7

Locations and times:

Anthony Elementary School (June 5-16 only), 610 S 6th St, Anthony, TX 79821

  • Breakfast 7:45 – 9:45 am
  • Lunch 12:00 – 2:00 pm

Anthony Middle and High Schools, 813 S 6th St, Anthony, TX 79821

  • Breakfast 7:45 – 9:45 am
  • Lunch 12:00 – 2:00 pm

Enrique Miramontes Park, 101 Richard White, Anthony, TX 79821

  • Breakfast 7:45 – 9:45 am
  • Lunch 12:00 – 2:00 pm

Los Torres Altos Park, 3025 Bariloche Dr, Anthony, TX 79821

  • Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Wet ‘N’ Wild Water World, 8804 S Desert Blvd, Anthony, TX 79821,

  • Lunch 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Gallegos Park, 6209, 7361 Bosque Rd, Canutillo, TX 79835,

  • Lunch 12:0 0 – 2:00 pm

Anthony ISD expands pre-k program to include three-year-olds

The Anthony Independent School District is expanding its Pre-K program to include three-year-old students!

The pre-k program for three-year-old students will be a half-day program (three hours). Parents also have the option to enroll three-year-old students in Head Start and complete a full day of instruction (six hours). Four-year-old students must enroll in a full day program.

Registration for the Pre-K program is open now through July 15! The following documents are needed to complete the enrollment process:

  • Student’s birth certificate
  • Record of immunization
  • Social security number
  • Proof of residency
  • Transcript or latest report card from previous school if applicable
  • Parent/guardian ID

Call Anthony Elementary School at (915) 886-6510 for questions about the required documents or to start the enrollment process today; the first day of school is July 31!

About Anthony Elementary School’s Pre-K Program

Anthony ISD’s Pre-K program is discovery-based learning grounded in a creative curriculum. The K-5 program uses the rigorous Amplify accelerated curriculum, as well as a blended learning (digital and traditional teaching) approach. All our students are provided with a laptop, iPad or chrome book to integrate technology. Anthony ISD also features AVID (Achievement Via Individual Determination) at all levels, which emphasizes college and career readiness.

Anthony Elementary School’s Pre-K Teacher of the Year

Anthony ISD has outstanding educators throughout its elementary and secondary schools. During the 22-23 school year, Anthony Elementary School pre-k teacher Soledad Placencia was selected as the Teacher of the Year that will represent Anthony ISD at the elementary level in the ESC 19 Teacher of the Year Program.

ESC 19 annually showcases district teachers who have emerged as champions in their profession and have impacted and inspired students to unforetold heights in all aspects of their lives.

Ms. Placencia was selected as the elementary school Teacher of the Year due to her decades-long commitment to Anthony ISD students. She is a proud Anthony local who says she always aspired to serve the children of Anthony. Learn more about her by visiting Anthony ISD on YouTube!

Anthony ISD Opens Registration for the 23-24 School Year

Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open for future and current Anthony Independent School District students. This year, the district’s pre-k program is also accepting three-year students!

Anthony ISD’s Pre-K program is discovery-based learning grounded in a creative curriculum. The K-5 program uses the rigorous Amplify accelerated curriculum, as well as a blended learning (digital and traditional teaching) approach. Our 6-12 secondary teachers are trained to teach at a rigorous level and with innovative approaches. All our students are provided with a laptop, iPad or chrome book to integrate technology. Anthony ISD also features AVID (Achievement Via Individual Determination) at all levels, which emphasizes college and career readiness.

Returning students can register by clicking here.

New students can be enrolled by calling the following phone numbers:

  • Anthony Elementary School (915) 886-6510
  • Anthony Middle School (915) 886-6530
  • Anthony High School (915) 886-6550

The following documents are needed to complete the enrollment process:

  • Student’s birth certificate
  • Record of immunization
  • Social security number
  • Proof of residency
  • Transcript or latest report card from previous school
  • Parent/guardian ID.

With a 15:1 student-teacher ratio, Anthony ISD offers small classes that allow students to receive highly effective instruction from teachers. The district’s outstanding educators led the district to become an exemplary A-rated school district in the Texas Education Agency’s 22-23 Accountability Rating System!

Anthony ISD offers strong academic programs, award-winning fine arts programs, athletics, Esports, robotics, vocational programs and much more for our students at the elementary, middle and high schools. The district is an open-enrollment district for all Texas residents.

The last day to register for Pre-K is July 15 and for all others it will remain open. The first day of school for students is on July 31. For more information, call one of our campuses to register today!

Anthony ISD recognized for commitment to workplace safety 

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – May 4, 2023) -- The Anthony Independent School District has received the prestigious Billy E. Hibbs Safety Award for exemplary safety practices resulting in the most improved loss ratio in 2021-2022 school year registered with Claims Administrative Services, Inc. (CAS). In recognition of this achievement, the district was also given a scholarship to award to an Anthony ISD student.

CAS is a third-party administrator that handles workers’ compensation and property/casualty claims. Anthony ISD is one out of more than 350 Texas school districts and colleges registered with CAS.

“We are honored to be recognized and we appreciate all Anthony ISD employees for their dedication to workplace safety. It truly takes a team effort to keep everyone safe,” said Fernando Garnica, At-Risk/Human Resource Director and Compliance Officer.

The Billy E. Hibbs Safety Award was presented for success in implementing safety programs designed to minimize losses. CAS also presented Anthony ISD with a $500 Annie Ozella Jones Scholarship that it can award to a deserving student of its choosing.

“We truly appreciate CAS for awarding a $500 scholarship to one of our seniors who will be chosen by a high school scholarship committee later this month,” Garnica said.

Anthony ISD was formally recognized by CAS at its annual client appreciation event, held during the 2023 TASA Midwinter Conference, on January 29th, in Austin, Texas.

Anthony High School used for law enforcement active shooter training

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – Mar. 24, 2023) – Anthony Texas Police Department received an active shooter training at Anthony High School during spring break.

The training consisted of 10 ATPD officers who practiced locating and quickly eliminating a threat.

“It is extremely important for our officers to be familiar with the layout of the Anthony ISD schools,” said Eddie Orozco, AISD School Resource Officer (SRO) and ATPD sergeant.

“Our officers are trained respond to any type of threat that arises in our district. We will not be waiting for backup,” Orozco said.

The training was provided by El Paso County Constable Precinct 1. Officers also learned various methods of entering the building during a crisis, how to identify possible hiding places and provide first aid.

“Our students’ safety is of utmost importance. We have the community to also protect. If a threat comes to us, we want to ensure that we protect our students and staff,” Orozco said.

Anthony ISD collaborates with ATPD during lockdown drills to have officers visit the schools and become acquainted with the buildings and operations. ATPD headquarters are located across the street from Anthony ISD, and officers continuously support the district with various community events.

Military mother surprises Anthony Middle School sons after 9-month deployment

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – Feb. 22, 2023) -- Some people know Samantha Romero as a U.S. Army sergeant. Others have witnessed her leadership running a medical clinic for Afghan refugees in Qatar. But for two Anthony Middle School students, Sgt. Romero is simply Mom.

 After her nine-month deployment to Qatar, Sgt. Romero arrived at Anthony Middle School Monday afternoon to surprise her sons, Dylan and Aiden Romero.

“I was nervous seeing how they would react and being able to give them a hug in what feels like forever,” Sgt. Romero said.

Sgt. Romero surprised Aiden by walking up behind him during math class and tapping him on the shoulder.

“It took me a second to realize who it was,” Aiden said.

“I was very happy to see her because, like she said, being away from her for nine months when I’m so used to seeing her every day -- I missed her a lot.”

  After the heart-warming reunion, it was Dylan’s turn to see his mom again. His teacher told students to turn their attention to the door for a special guest before Sgt. Romero walked through to door and went straight for a hug with her son.

The boys knew their mom would return home during the month of February, but they had no idea she would walk into their classrooms just one day before Dylan’s 13th birthday.


“It’s nice because she has been here for every other birthday. I didn’t think she’d make it to this one, but I’m happy she’s here now,” Dylan said.

 This is the second time the boys experienced having their mother deployed, but the first deployment happened when they were too young to remember, Sgt. Romero said. To watch the video of this sweet reunification, click here.

Anthony Middle School is a Texas Education Agency Purple Star Designated Campus. The designation is awarded to schools that show a commitment to supporting the unique needs of military-connected students and their families. The school earned the recognition in the summer of 2022 for offering resources to military students, such as a military liaison and student ambassadors that welcome military students when they are new on campus.

  • Anthony ISD's new buses

    The school bus, left, and the activities bus, right, are already in service transporting students.

  • decommissioned

    An Anthony ISD school bus is decommissioned as part of the district's agreement with TCEQ to remove vehicles that emit harmful emissions from the road. 

  • AISD decommissions activities bus

    AISD's activities bus was a 2003 model and was one out of two district buses that were replaced with environmentally-friendly alternatives.

  • AISD activities bus decommissioned

    Write your caption here
  • All aboard!

    Anthony Elementary School students were one of the first few groups to get a ride on the new activities bus. The vehicle still had that new-car smell!


 Anthony ISD replaces outdated school buses with environmentally cleaner alternatives

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – Feb. 9, 2023) -- Two new buses have joined the Anthony Independent School District bus fleet with the purpose to reduce harmful nitrogen oxides (NOX) while providing AISD students with comfortable and safer transportation services.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) granted AISD $189, 598 during the 2019-2020 school year after the district applied for TCEQ’s Texas Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Program.

As part of the agreement to qualify for the grant, AISD decommissioned an older-model school bus and the extracurricular activities bus; both vehicles were replaced with new buses that passed tougher emission standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

“We had the school bus since 1994 and the activities bus since 2003,” said Rene Ramirez, AISD Maintenance and Transportation Director. 

“When older-model buses sit idle, diesel exhaust or nitrogen oxides can accumulate around the bus and pose a health risk to children, adults and the environment. That is why we jumped at the opportunity to replace two of our buses and make transportation as safe as possible for our students and staff,” Ramirez said.

Due to delays caused by COVID-19, it took longer than originally expected to obtain the new buses. The first new school bus arrived at the district at the start of the 2022-2023 school year and has been transporting students to and from school since then.

The second new bus, which is the latest extracurricular activities bus, arrived in January and is also in service transporting students. The new activities bus can sit 48 people, includes Wi-Fi and will be fitted with a TV video system for students to have entertainment while traveling for extracurricular activities.

Both buses include seatbelts, an intercom system and air conditioning.

“We want to give our students and sponsors the best transportation possible to and from their events. Especially since our district travels more than 200 miles for our 2-A competition events, we know the importance of providing them with a comfortable ride,” Ramirez said.

The purchase for both buses totaled to $293,050. The district invested more than $103,000 to cover the remaining balance after the TxVEMP grant.

AISD currently accounts for eight school buses, one extracurricular activities bus and one charter bus. The district continues striving to receive more grants to continue upgrading its fleet and eliminate harmful emissions for the environment. To learn more about TxVEMP, click here.

PHOTO GALLERY: Anthony ISD pre-K students celebrate learning with boxes

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – Dec. 15, 2022) -- Anthony Elementary School students watched Santa dash through the sky above the Tommy Sanchez Memorial Stadium Thursday, Dec. 15.

Approximately 360 AES students filled the football stadium to watch Santa fly a few rounds above them while he waved at the ecstatic children. Roaring chants from the elementary schoolers erupted when Santa landed in the middle of the football field.

The event, known as Santa Drop, is a beloved Anthony Elementary School tradition that was started in 2007 by the Anthony Texas Police Department. Due to COVID-19, the event was not held in 2020 or 2021.

With help  from the community, Santa gave a gift to each AES student. ATPD led the effort to fundraise about $3,000 to purchase about 400 gifts. Anytime Fitness also became a new, top sponsor to make the gift donation possible. Jobe Materials L.P. provided the helicopter to make Santa's striking appearance in the sky. 

View the photo gallery to see a recap of the event.

PHOTO GALLERY: Anthony ISD pre-K students celebrate learning with boxes

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – Dec. 5, 2022) -- Anthony Elementary School pre-K students are building a strong foundation in pre-academic and life skills by exploring lessons with boxes.

Parents were invited to Anthony Elementary School Nov. 18 to see firsthand what their children have learned! Hear from the teachers shaping young minds by visiting AISD on YouTube.

Anthony Middle School teacher receives grant to teach Python coding

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – Sept. 26, 2022) -- Anthony Independent School District students in middle and high school are learning the popular and innovative computer programming language, Python, thanks to a grant received by Anthony Middle School Science Teacher and Robotics Sponsor Priscilla Terrazas.

Python coding is a multipurpose computer language often used to build websites and software, conduct data analysis, create visualization and can be used in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

 Terrazas received the WeTeach_CS Mini-Grant award from Expanding Pathways in Computing (EPIC), a research and service unit of the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at University of Texas at Austin. The annual award is given to computer science teachers with distinct ideas to improve teaching and learning in the classroom.

“I’m very honored to receive the Mini-Grant Award from WeTeach_CS. I have fallen in love with Computer Science, and it has been my desire to inspire the same love in my students,” Terrazas said.

The grant, worth $1000, allowed Terrazas to purchase access to digital platform AutoAuto to introduce her students to Python. Terrazas attended summer trainings to familiarize herself with Python and is now using the software in her classroom to program Lego Robotics.

“We’re proud to recognize Priscilla with a WeTeach_CS Mini-Grant,” said Carol Fletcher, director of the EPIC team at TACC. “Our team is dedicated to broadening participation in computing for every student regardless of race, gender, or income, and great educators like Priscilla make this possible.”

Terrazas says the goal is to use Python coding on the robots created by students. Python is fast-growing programming language due to its time-saving approach with fewer lines of code needed to achieve a goal. 

Two Anthony ISD schools receive Purple Star Campus designation

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – Sept. 23, 2022) -- A strong commitment to supporting and meeting the unique needs of military-connected students and their families has earned a Purple Star Campus designation for two schools in the Anthony Independent School District.

Every fall, the Texas Education Agency awards the Purple Star Campus designation to campuses with an assigned military liaison, student ambassadors, and leaders that go the extra mile with initiatives to accommodate military families and their child’s educational needs.

“We are very proud to announce that Anthony Elementary School and Anthony Middle School are recipients of this honorable recognition,” AISD Superintendent Dr. Oscar Troncoso said.

“The sacrifices that service members do to serve our country also involve their families. Whether a child needs peer support or additional mental or emotional counseling when a parent is deployed, or extra academic support, Anthony ISD teachers and staff ensure they can honor their sacrifices and resiliency.”

During the 2021-2022 school year, Anthony ISD launched a month-long recognition to celebrate April as Military Child Month. Students and staff participated in Purple Up Day, a day for everyone to wear purple in support of all military branches. AISD Board of Trustees and campuses also introduced a proclamation to celebrate military active and veteran families. To learn more about AISD resources for military students, visit the military tab on the AISD home tab.

Nestled in the surrounding area of the military base Fort Bliss, Anthony ISD is an innovative school district with more than 700 students in far west El Paso County near the Texas-New Mexico border. A tight-knit community of dedicated teachers, staff and administration lead AISD’s three campuses. The district has an elementary, middle and high school. TEA’s Purple Military Star designation was created by Senate Bill 1557 and passed by the 86th Texas State Legislature.

Anthony ISD earns “A” Rating in TEA’s 2022 accountability ratings

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – Aug. 16, 2022) -- The Anthony Independent School District earned an Exemplary Performance “A” rating in the Texas Education Agency’s 2022 state accountability ratings for public schools in the state.

AISD earned an overall score of 91 that measures how much students are learning in each grade and whether they are ready for the next grade level. The rating also reflects how well a district prepares students for success after high school with college, workforce or military opportunities.

“Even though the pandemic hit us hard, especially among our most vulnerable student populations, we were not deterred or discouraged. Instead, we were resilient and determined to commit ourselves to the challenge before us,” said AISD Superintendent Dr. Oscar Troncoso.

“While there is still much work to do, this rating demonstrates that we are clearly headed in the right direction academically. This is a reflection of our staff and teachers’ renewed focus on learning outcomes so that we can begin the long road of closing gaps caused by the pandemic,” Dr. Troncoso said.

All AISD campuses received an overall score of A or B in the latest accountability ratings. AISD schools were also recognized with Distinction Designations that include top 25 percent comparative academic growth, postsecondary readiness and top 25 percent comparative results to close gaps.

“A distinction designation for academic growth is awarded to campuses whose school progress is ranked in the top 25 percent of campuses in its campus comparison group,” said Dr. Troncoso.

“That means that the amount of academic growth among Anthony ISD students was significantly higher when compared to other schools similar to Anthony ISD. Our students are also prepared when they leave our high school for whatever path they choose. More than anything it shows a commitment by our school board, our community and staff that our students deserve the very best education possible.”

Anthony ISD was one out of four traditional independent school districts, out of a total of twelve, in Region 19 to earn a TEA “A” rating. The accountability ratings are the first to be published since 2019 due to COVID-related pauses. A full look at the districts and school ratings can be found on

Established by House Bill 22 during the 85th Texas Legislature, the A–F accountability system provides educators, parents, and communities with a transparent view of the academic performance of Texas public schools based on three domains: Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps. 

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    AISD new school teachers for the start of the 2022-2023 school year.


AISD welcomes new AMS and AHS principals plus 19 new teachers

(Anthony, TX – July 26, 2022) -- The Anthony Independent School District is starting the 2022-2023 school year with new principals, teachers, and other essential personnel that play an important role in providing the best educational experience for students.

Anthony High School and Anthony Middle School will be under the leadership of two new principals with veteran experience in the public education system.

Sandra Espinoza was hired as Anthony High School’s new principal in June. The Thomas Jefferson High School graduate brings 26 years of vast experience in education and restorative discipline. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology from Park University and her Master of Education in School Administration from Sul Ross State University.

Espinoza began her career as an educational aide for the Ysleta Independent School District and later became a Special Education Teacher for Cesar Chavez Academy, a discipline alternative school.

“I decided to become an educator because I knew I wanted to make a difference in a child’s life,” Espinoza said.

“My mother instilled in me to always listen, truly listen to every student. I believe every student deserves the right to learn and to have a second chance. I believe in disciplining with dignity and respect; you never make a student feel less. I am here to learn from them as much as they are here to learn from me,” Espinoza said.

Espinoza also served as a social worker for YISD before taking the role of assistant principal in the same district for 14 years prior to coming to AISD.

“I decided to be at Anthony ISD because I wanted to come back to my beginning of teaching. I worked at Cesar Chavez Academy for so many years, and it was a close-knit school. I wanted to be at a school where I get to know the students on a personal level. I want to be close to students, teachers, staff, parents, and the community. I want to be at a campus and district where we all are one,” Espinoza said.

In her free time, Espinoza enjoys spending time with family and friends, enjoys traveling, and loves to eat! She says her vision for Anthony High School is to continue to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Her goal is to provide all students with a learning experience where hard work will take place, but it will be extremely fun doing it for all students!

Anthony Middle School welcomed Veronica Ordoñez as its new principal in June. Ordoñez graduated from Sul Ross University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Master of Education in School Administration.

She brings 19 years of experience in public education, where she served as a secondary math teacher in both middle school and high school, basketball and softball coach, and assistant principal.

As an assistant principal for nine years at both the middle school and high school levels, Ordoñez supervised the math and special education departments and electives; she was also the attendance and loss of credit administrator and helped manage student discipline among many other duties.

“I joined Anthony ISD to continue to build on the great things that are already happening here and to continue to raise the bar for student achievement,” Ordoñez said.

“I look forward to working alongside our great teachers and staff while serving our very deserving students and the Anthony community. It is truly a pleasure and honor to be joining the Wildcat family!” Ordoñez said.

In her free time, Ordoñez enjoys spending time with family, working on home projects, creating art, and volunteering with different agencies. She is a volunteer firefighter and helps run a non-profit organization which provides resources and hope to underserved communities and families. Her vision for Anthony Middle School is to empower teachers by increasing collaboration and building trust. The students will have authentic learning experiences with high expectations. 

AISD is also welcoming 19 new teachers and approximately 30 returning substitute teachers. Teachers and staff returned to campus for their staff development workweek July 25. The first day of school for students will be August 1.

PHOTO GALLERY: AISD celebrates Mother's Day with literacy event

(Anthony, TX – May 11, 2022) -- Anthony ISD celebrated Mother's Day with a literacy event dedicated to helping mothers incorporate reading and writing in their children's education.

The event featured award-winning author Sergio Troncoso. Troncoso is the author of several recognized publications such as The Last Tortilla, Crossing Borders, Nobody's Pilgrims, and Nepantla Familias: An Anthology of Mexican American Literature.

He often writes about the United States-Mexico border, immigration, philosophy in literature, families and fatherhood, and crossing cultural, religious, and psychological borders.

Attendees of the event received resources to promote and enhance literature in their student's lives. Approximately 40 people attended the event along with their children.

Enjoy Teacher Appreciation Week with freebies or discounts

By: Adriana Candelaria

(Anthony, TX – May 3, 2022) – Businesses throughout the country are celebrating teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week with discounts and freebies. Below is a list of places where teachers can snag some deals:

  • Rollin' Smoke BBQ: Get 15 percent off your Rollin' Smoke BBQ meal May 4 through May 6. Teachers can get the deal from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. The deal will be valid from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday. To view the coupon, click here. Rollin' Smoke BBQ is located on 200 S Main St, Anthony, TX 79821.

  • Whataburger: Teachers can enjoy a free taquito, breakfast on a bun, or honey butter chicken biscuit at participating Whataburger locations when they present their school ID. The offer runs from 5:00 a.m to 9:00 a.m., May 2- May 6. To view full details, click here.

  • Office Depot: Teachers can enjoy 20 percent off a qualifying regular priced purchase when they present their teacher ID and their Office Depot OfficeMax Rewards member number to the cashier in-store. The offer is valid through June 25. Teachers may also get 20 percent back in rewards. To view the full details, scroll to the bottom of this page.

  • Boss Chicken and Custard: Enjoy a 20 percent discount from your entire order when you present your school ID. The offer is valid May 2-6. View full details here.

  • Sonic: Coupons for a free Cherry Limeade or any medium-size soft drink at Sonic Drive-In have been distributed to each AISD school’s front office. The offer is valid through June 30 at Sonic on 110 Elm St, Anthony, NM 88021.

PHOTO GALLERY: AISD Partners with Workforce Solutions for College, Career and Readiness Fair

(Anthony, TX – April 21, 2022) -- In partnership with Workforce Solutions Borderplex, Anthony Independent School District hosted a College, Career and Military Readiness fair for students district-wide. More than 40 organizations were available for students to learn about the possibilities for their future.

Military recruiters, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, business managers, journalists, health care professionals, first responders and more, dedicated their time to speak with students. Take a look at a recap of the event in our photo gallery above.

Reliable, passionate and dedicated educators earn Teacher of the Year recognition

(Anthony, TX – April 19, 2022) -- The Anthony Independent School District has named Jessica Flores as Anthony Elementary School’s Teacher of the Year and Alberto Villalobos as AISD’s Secondary Schools Teacher of the Year.

Flores is a 4th grade math and science teacher who has dedicated 10 years of service to AISD students. In the classroom, Flores teaches students about the additions, subtractions and multiplications of numbers – but her lessons also equate to the valuable traits of good ethics. One of her students said the biggest lesson she has learned from Flores is to always tell the truth.

Click to view 2022 Anthony Elementary School Teacher of the Year Video

Villalobos is a middle school physical education teacher, high school AVID College and Career readiness teacher and mentor. He also coaches a variety of sports year-round. Villalobos began working at AISD four years ago. His creativity to make his P.E. classes educational and interactive reach his students on a mental and emotional level. Every Monday during lunchtime, Villalobos also mentors a club of students who need advice on having healthy relationships and knowing how to manage their emotions. One of his students says Villalobos has taught students how to have a healthy self-esteem and to be proud of themselves.

Click to view 2022 Anthony Secondary Schools Teacher of the Year video

Congratulations to these two passionate educators!

Anthony ISD partners with STOPit Solutions for new safety and wellness app

(Anthony, TX – Jan. 25, 2022)  -- The Anthony Independent School District has partnered with STOPit Solutions to provide a communication tool for students, parents and employees to report safety and wellness concerns.

The district installed the STOPit app on students’ district-issued devices in December 2021. The app is also available for the public to download on their personal devices and can be found on the App Store or Google Play . Using the app, the community may report a variety of issues impacting the safety and wellness of our students such as bullying, dating violence or mental health concerns.

Anthony ISD’s account may be accessed by typing “Anthony ISD” in the organization name search bar or by typing in access code 79821000. The app will then guide you to filing a report.

Reports will be received by the campus principal and school counselor. For concerns regarding safety, the school’s principal has the discretion to assign the case to the school resource officer from the Anthony Police Department or the district’s campus patrol officer.

The person making the report has the option to remain anonymous or provide their name to help AISD in case of a further investigation.

Every report is taken seriously. STOPit Solutions reserves the right to cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities or court orders requesting or directing STOPit Solutions to disclose the identity of anyone using the application in an inappropriate manner.

Ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment for our students and employees is one of the district’s top priorities. By promoting a see something, say something, do something culture, our district’s goal is to maintain a safe and healthy environment while our students learn.

Thank you for helping AISD remain a safe place where our students can learn and grow into the next generation of contributing members of our society!

(Anthony, TX – Jan. 21, 2022)  -- Anthony Wildcat fans can help Anthony High School collect donations for school clubs,

organizations and teams by opening an account with TFCU and requesting a High School Spirit Debit Card.

For every non-PIN transaction, TFCU has pledged to donate a $0.05 donation to Anthony High School. The Anthony Independent School District has partnered with TFCU for the High School Spirit Debit Card since 2020. During its first three years of the partnership, TFCU has pledged to double the donation amount given to the high school.

“We are so proud to partner with Anthony ISD. The High School Spirit Program was developed to help provide the necessary funding for our students in support of their involvement in extracurricular programs: sports, clubs, and organizations. This is just one impactful way that TFCU gives back to our youth in El Paso and we couldn’t be happier to have you onboard.” Commented Alejandro Yu, VP of Marketing at TFCU.

To request your Anthony High School Spirit Debit Card, you must have a TFCU account. TFCU offers a checking account free of monthly fees, and you can take advantage of their early paycheck benefit with direct deposit. To view more details, click here.

Anthony ISD Board of Trustees approves substitute teacher pay increase

(Anthony, TX – Nov. 29, 2021) – The Anthony Independent School District’s Board of Trustees approved a pay increase for substitute teachers during the 2021-2022 school year, making Anthony ISD one of the highest-paying school districts for substitute teachers in the El Paso region.

The pay increase was approved Nov. 17 as an incentive to attract qualified candidates and to address hiring challenges during the nationwide shortage of substitute teachers.

Salaries were increased by $40 per day for substitute teachers without a college degree. Non-certified candidates with a bachelor’s degree received an additional $35 per day pay. Certified or retired substitute teachers received a pay increase of $50 per day.

The salary increase became effective immediately and goes as followed:

                                                      Qualifications                                               Previous Pay                                             New Pay         

                                              12 college credit hours                                               $70                                                  $110 per day

                                              Degreed (Non-Certified)                                             $100                                                $135 per day                     

                                              Certified/Retired teachers                                          $120                                                $170 per day

Candidates must have at least 12 college credit hours, provide three letters of recommendation and pass a background check. Interested applicants may apply here.

(Anthony, TX – Nov. 29, 2021) – Students, employees and parent volunteers from the Anthony Independent School District spent their first day of the Thanksgiving holiday break distributing food baskets to families in the community.

The district’s Thanksgiving Turkey Drive allowed 79 families to receive a turkey, canned corn, green beans, cornbread mix, stuffing and instant mashed potatoes.

Donations were collected thanks to the following members of the AISD community:

  • Anthony High School Student Council
  • Collected more than 1,000 cans of food and nearly 70 boxes of mac and cheese and mashed potatoes.

  • Anthony High School National Honor Society
  • Donated blankets

  • Anthony Middle School
  • Assembled the food baskets

  • Anthony Elementary School
  • Donated canned food and decorated baskets

  • Parent volunteers
  • Assembled food baskets

Turkeys were donated by the AISD community, including faculty, staff, admin and Board of Trustees.

‘It took everyone’s efforts to make this happen. It was a success!” said Melissa Leos, AISD Parental and Community Engagement Leader/Migrant Education Specialist.

Anthony Middle School ranked as a U.S. News Best Middle School

(Anthony, TX – Oct. 20, 2021) – Anthony Middle School has ranked as one of the best middle schools in Texas in U.S. News & World Report’s Best Middle Schools list.

U.S. News & World Report, an independent digital media company, ranked Anthony Middle School in the top 30 percent of best schools in the Lonestar State.

The schools were rated based on their performance on state-required tests and how well they prepare students for high school. At Anthony Middle School, 62% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 42% scored at or above that level for reading.

Anthony Middle School has 187 students and offers a student-teacher ratio of 14-to-1. Students have an array of extracurricular activities such as a robotics club, library club, band and sports to help them explore their interests.

The school also offers AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), a college and career readiness program to help students make a smooth transition after high school.

It is the first year that U.S. News & World Report releases a list of best middle schools.

(Anthony, TX – Oct. 15, 2021) – The halls of Anthony Elementary School erupted with cheers the morning of Oct. 15 when students and staff celebrated a big milestone for a current student teacher and Anthony native.

Maria Elena Alvidrez is celebrating the completion of her college education after more than two decades of wanting to get her degree.

Alvidrez graduated from Anthony High School in 1991. She began attending New Mexico State University to pursue a degree in government and political science.

She uncovered a passion for teaching when she led U.S. citizenship classes at Doña Ana Community College and made it her goal to become a teacher.

Alvidrez also got two new titles after enrolling at NMSU – wife and mother.

“I had my two daughters at school, worked and took care of my home. I decided to stop attending school to make sure that my daughters would succeed,” Alvidrez said.

“I kept telling my daughters ‘When you graduate, I’m going to go back to school, I’m going to finish’,” Alvidrez said.

Alvidrez remained true to her promise. When her daughters graduated from Anthony ISD, Alvidrez returned to the district as a substitute teacher and eventually got hired as a paraprofessional.

In 2019, she crossed paths with a Grand Canyon University recruiter on campus and enrolled in online classes to complete her degree. She doubled her classes when the COVID-19 pandemic began, and through her tenacity, she will be graduating from GCU summa cum laude by the end of the year.

Alvidrez was unable to attend her GCU graduation, but her Anthony ISD family ensured that she still received the recognition she deserved.

Students and teachers lined up throughout the elementary school holding congratulatory signs and cheering Alvidrez as she walked through the halls. GCU attended the ceremony and spoke about the inspiration Alvidrez has been to others. The surprise celebration created a special memory for Alvidrez.

“Seeing all the kids that I have worked with, the teachers, the support that I have received from Anthony, it’s just amazing,” Alvidrez said.

“If I would have gone to the graduation, I know it would have been good, but this is home. It’s like having my family here,” Alvidrez said.

Alvidrez is in the process of getting her credits transferred from Arizona to Texas.

Visit Anthony ISD on YouTube to view the video of Alvidrez's celebration.

Clinical Neuroscientist Dr. Cecilia Hinojosa named as Anthony HS Honored Ex

(Anthony, TX – Oct. 18, 2021) –  The Anthony Independent School District is proud to announce Dr. Cecilia Hinojosa as Anthony High School’s Honored Ex for the 2021-2022 homecoming festivities.

Hinojosa was selected for her outstanding research on neurology and her dedication to improving the lives of individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder. She has broken many barriers as a first-generation college graduate with roots in Anthony.

During her time at AHS, Hinojosa was involved in AP Biology classes, Gifted and Talented, and Library Club. She graduated in 2012, one year earlier than expected.

“I graduated a year early because I always knew what I wanted to do with my life,” Hinojosa said.

“Ever since I was in middle school, I knew I wanted to work with individuals who were dealing with mental disorders,” Hinojosa said.

Hinojosa also explored the idea of enrolling in the military. She says she was inspired by her dad, grandfathers and cousin who were all military service members. However, her plans changed after high school when she discovered she was too young to immediately enroll in the military.

“I thought of other ways that I could serve my country without having to serve in the military, and it was through conducting research on PTSD that I believed I could serve my country,” Hinojosa said.

Hinojosa obtained her bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Texas at El Paso in 2016. Two years later, she graduated with her master’s degree in Experimental Psychology from Tufts University and obtained her doctorate in Experimental Psychology from Tufts University earlier this year.

While her list of accomplishments is nothing short of impressive, Hinojosa says she overcame challenges along the way as a first-generation college student.

“When I moved from Anthony to Boston, Massachusetts, it really opened my eyes to a lot of things that I didn’t know when I was in Anthony,” Hinojosa said.

“It’s really difficult to share the same space with other people, because they may not understand the background that you come from, but I was able to find strength in that, push through, and get my PhD. I think if I can do it, then younger generations of students can do the same,” Hinojosa said.

Hinojosa is currently conducting neuroscience research in Atlanta to understand the connection between some individuals with PTSD and substance abuse. Her goal is to return to El Paso when her post-doctoral research concludes.

AISD asked Hinojosa what advice she would share with current Wildcats who are thinking about the next step after graduating high school.

“I would encourage students to continue with their passions. I only got my PhD because I’m passionate about the PTSD research that I do,” Hinojosa said.

Hinojosa will be recognized during halftime at the Anthony vs. Odessa Compass homecoming football game Friday, October 22, 2021. The game will begin at 6:30 p.m. (MST).

Anthony High School’s homecoming week will be held Oct. 18 – Oct. 22. 

(Anthony, TX – Sept. 14, 2021) Anthony Middle School Library Assistant Evelyn Aguilar is marking her 30-year anniversary working for the Anthony Independent School District.

When students read about Aguilar’s work anniversary in the district’s internal newsletter, they surprised her with a celebration.

Students made Aguilar a thank you card and gathered in the library the morning of Sept. 10 to the beat of drums played by an Anthony Varsity band member. Aguilar’s colleagues brought her a cake to sweeten up the surprise.

The gesture exemplifies the reason Aguilar says she has worked at AISD for three decades.

“In Anthony, we go back to being a family. From the superintendent to the custodians, everybody is just used to being together and being there for each other,” Aguilar said.

Aguilar says she has seen generations of families grow in the Anthony community. She says she knows the parents of current students, because their parents were also her students.

“I follow a lot of my former students on Facebook, and now they talk about books. To see the joy they get from reading such as saying ‘I’m waiting on my next book’ or ‘look, I’m reading this’, it just makes my heart warm,” Aguilar said.

Aguilar uncovered her own passion for reading thanks to her 4th grade teacher when she was in school.

“We would come in from recess, and she would just open up the book and read with so much passion. Ever since then, I’ve really enjoyed reading,” Aguilar said.

Aguilar plays an essential role in helping younger generations discover new worlds through reading. She began the school year with a new lunchtime library club where she plays audiobooks for students to read along as they eat their lunch.

Aguilar plans to work at Anthony ISD for five more years before she decides if she would like to retire.

Custodian named as September's employee of the month

(Anthony, TX – Sept. 16, 2021) –  Anthony ISD Custodian Jesus Saenz was recognized as September’s employee of the month during the Board of Trustees meeting Sept. 15.

Maintenance and Transportation Manager Rene Ramirez wrote the following about why Saenz deserves the employee of the month recognition:

Mr. Jesus Saenz has been employed as an evening shift custodian since January 2019 and has performed exceptionally well at Anthony ISD. Not only does he have an impressive work ethic, but his responsible and team player attitude has made him an asset to Anthony ISD.

As a 32-hour employee, Mr. Saenz comes in every day without complaint and works beyond expectation. Mr. Saenz has been called into work during his day off multiple times to help the needs of the department, and he will come in to work without hesitation. It is without any doubt that we recommend Mr. Saenz for September support employee of the month recognition.

 Thank you Mr. Saenz for your dedication to keeping AISD's schools clean!

AISD graduate hired as secondary school cafe manager

(Anthony, TX – Aug. 11, 2021) – Anthony’s warm hospitality and small-town environment are what drove Hugo Morales back to his hometown to help students receive nutritious meals at Anthony ISD.

 “I love this community. Ever since I was a kid, I would come to the school events,” Morales said.

“You know everyone, and everyone knows you. It’s just a small and very safe community,” Morales said.

Morales was hired as AISD’s secondary café manager in June. The move was like a homecoming for the lifelong Wildcat who attended Anthony elementary, middle, and high school.

Shortly after graduating high school in 2017, Morales was hired as a food helper at the AISD cafeteria where he became fond of working in the nutrition department. He briefly worked for Las Cruces Public Schools before returning to AISD.

“The school food service is not something that a lot of people think about supporting, but it’s very crucial for the students to get their lunch,” Morales said.

“A lot of planning goes into making sure we follow the guidance from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),” Morales said.

Every morning before sunrise, the Child Nutrition Department assembles breakfast for students. Organizing more than a thousand meals per day is a big, calculated task -- from keeping meals at a certain temperature to brainstorming what will appeal the students’ palates.

“We’re trying to implement new options and provide other entrée choices. For middle school, we added salads. For high school, we added salads and pizza,” Morales said.

The Child Nutrition Department is a federal funded program that relies on students receiving their meals daily. Every student that receives a meal is counted and reported to the state for reimbursement. Each meal consists of the following five components: meat/meat alternate, grain, dairy, fruits and vegetables). Each student must take at least three of the five components. 

AISD hiring substitute teachers and tutors

(Anthony, TX – Aug. 26, 2021) – The Anthony Independent School District is hiring substitute teachers and tutors with diverse levels of experience to help students with daily assignments and to recover from the COVID-19 distance learning loss. Candidates may earn up to $40 per hour depending on their qualifications.

AISD’s Board of Trustees approved Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER III) in late August to hire ESSER tutors and substitute teachers for the 2021-2022 school year. ESSER funds are approved by Congress to help school districts recover from COVID-19 challenges such as closing the learning gaps created during a year of virtual classes.

ESSER tutors will support students who did not take or failed the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test during Spring 2021.

Under House Bill 4545, local school districts must provide accelerated instruction for students in grades 3, 5 and 8 who did not meet STAAR or end-of-year (EOC) expectations. Additional support for students may include tutoring to help them achieve satisfactory performance in the applicable grade level and subject area.

ESSER tutor rates go as followed:

  • Certified Texas Teacher Retired/Non-Employee                   $40.00 per hour
  • Degreed                                                                                       $30.00 per hour
  • Non-Degreed 90 + College Credit Hours                                $25.00 per hour
  • Non-Degreed 60-89 College Credit Hours                             $20.00 per hour
  • Non-Degreed 30-59 College Credit Hours                             $15.00 per hour

ESSER substitute teachers with a current certification can earn up to $200 per day.

Substitute teachers and academic tutors needed

The district is also in need of daily substitute teachers. Degreed and certified candidates can earn up to $120 per day and up to $140 per day in a long-term rate. College students without a degree and college graduates without a teacher certification can earn between $70 and $100 per day depending on their experience.

AISD is also hiring academic tutors that can assist during school hours and after school. Academic tutors can earn between $12 and $28 per hour according to their college credits or certifications.

Interested applicants can click on the employment tab to view the opportunities offered at AISD.  

Anthony ISD teacher wins Change Maker Award 

(Anthony, TX – Aug. 4, 2021) – A student can become the teacher, but in Priscilla Terrazas’ case, the teacher has become a student.

Terrazas is the science and robotics teacher at Anthony Middle School although her career started with a background in science only. When the opportunity to sponsor a robotics class came, Terrazas took courses to learn computer science.

“My students and I were learning at the same time,” Terrazas said.

Due to Terrazas’ outstanding dedication to initiate robotics clubs and to lead STEM classes, We_TeachCS has awarded her the 2020 – 2021 Change Maker Award. The award is given to teachers, administrators and counselors who make a difference in expanding computer science opportunities for students.

“I’ve seen some of the change makers in the past, and I feel like I’m not even close to their level but it’s amazing. I feel like I should be awarding them for helping me,” Terrazas said.

Terrazas led the robotics team at other school districts before coming to Anthony ISD. She offered to start the first robotics club at AISD and tapped into the curious minds of students who previously had limited options.

“At the first meeting, I had more than 30 middle school students show up. I thought ‘wow, that’s a lot of kids, that’s the size of football and volleyball teams!’,” Terrazas said.

The team fundraised to purchase essential robot kits, which Terrazas says cost anywhere between $400 and $700.

“Ideally, we should have one robot for two kids, but because we bought a few of them, it was like five students to a robot,” Terrazas said.

Despite the challenges with equipment, the team began competing one year after it formed and advanced three times to state finals. Terrazas says one of her groups was different from anything she had seen before.

“I had a whole girl group at AISD, and they advanced to state finals two years in a row. I loved that there was a huge interest from the girls. Previously, I mainly had male students in my robotics teams,” Terrazas said.

As the robotics students advanced grade levels, Terrazas says she felt inclined to start a high school robotics class so the students’ passions would not end in middle school.

Terrazas signed up for more classes with WeTeach_CS, a part of The University of Texas at Austin's Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). Through WeTeach_CS, Terrazas learns the skills necessary to lead the robotics team at the high school level.

Terrazas is currently working on her computer certification so she can offer computer science classes at the middle school level. Her goal is to start an engineering program at AISD as well. 

Two AISD teachers nominated for ESC19 Teacher of the Year

(Anthony, TX – Aug. 6, 2021) -- Two Anthony ISD teachers will represent Anthony in the 2021 – 2022 Education Service Center (ESC) Region 19 Teacher of the Year Awards.

Sarah Bustillos, 3rd grade teacher, and Priscilla Terrazas, science and robotics teacher at Anthony Middle School, were nominated by their peers as distinguished educators.

Resiliency despite virtual teaching obstacles

Every year, ESC Region 19 recognizes outstanding teachers in Borderland school districts that have empowered students to discover their potential. This year, the nominees are being recognized for their educational strives during a year of virtual teaching.

“It really broke my heart to get a glimpse into some of my students’ homes during the pandemic,” Bustillos told ESC19 during a meet and greet event.

“They were missing so much, not just education, but they were missing security, guidance, and a schedule. I just did everything I could to meet with them through Zoom,” Bustillos said.

As the school year advanced, and positive COVID-19 cases skyrocketed, Bustillos says she was the first teacher in her grade level to return to the classroom. She taught classes virtually and in-person simultaneously.

Home visits to engage students

The pandemic challenged Terrazas to think outside the classroom. She longed for science projects with her students and found a way to keep them engaged.

“My district and I would create science packets, and we would drop them off at over 100 houses. Then, we would come online and do our science experiments together,” Terrazas said.

“The students interacting and seeing their faces, that was something that I was very happy about,” Terrazas said.

Winners to be announced Saturday, nominees thankful

On Saturday, August 7, ESC19 will announce the winners of the Teacher of the Year Award. We wish our educators good luck! They make us Anthony ISD Proud!

Bustillos and Terrazas thank the following people for their support: Anthony ISD Superintendent Oscar Troncoso, Principal Oralia Moseley, Principal Jaime De La Torre, Dr. Christine Althoff, Socorro Sierra, Peggy Rodriguez, Rosalinda Gaucin, Mrs. Mireya Carmona, Ms. Elena Alvidrez, Mrs. Gabriela Marquez, their families, and Region 19 Teachers Federal Credit Union.

AISD welcomes eight new teachers

(Anthony, TX – July 21, 2021) – Eight new teachers are joining the Wildcat family at the Anthony Independent School District for the 2021 - 2022 school year. The educators will lead classrooms at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

The group was introduced to the district July 19 during convocation; they are:

  • Jessica Barbosa Hernandez - 4th grade Dual Language
  • Gabriela Valdez - 3rd grade Dual Language
  • Miguel Bustillos - 8th grade Math and AVID
  • Michael Wood - 9th grade World Geography / 10th grade World History
  • Sarahi Hardy - High School Biology and Environmental Systems
  • Mike Middleton - Elementary School Music
  • Kyle Fenner - High School English / Theater
  • Ricci Marie Fuentes, High School English / Yearbook

Watch the video below to learn more about the new teachers and why they chose to work at Anthony ISD!

New schedule designed to close learning gaps

(Anthony, TX – July 27, 2021) – A new school schedule is being introduced to the Anthony Independent School District with the goal to close academic gaps caused by distance learning and to give teachers more preparation time.

Under House Bill 4545, school districts must identify students who failed the 2021 STAAR exam in grades 3 – 8 or the End of Course (EOC) assessments and provide them with ways to recover from distance learning loss. HB 4545 says school districts can offer resources to the students by assigning an academically recognized teacher or by adding supplemental instruction time before or after school.

As a result of HB 4545, the daily school schedule has been extended at the elementary, middle, and high school campuses. Instead of having eight class periods, AISD is having nine class periods that accumulatively make the instruction day longer by 30 minutes.

“The best tutors are our teachers. We need to address these learning gaps as soon as possible because so many of these kids were out of our classrooms due to COVID-19,” said AISD Superintendent Dr. Oscar Troncoso.

Teachers are also getting half-days every other Wednesday to collect data and work on their lesson plans.

“It gives teachers a moment to stop and reflect on how students are doing and what other areas they need help in,” said Dr. Troncoso.

“As we go through the course of the year, we will do constant check-ins every couple of weeks through screeners, unit assessments, and other methods that teachers have,” said Dr. Troncoso.

To read more about HB 4545, click here.

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