Located in Anthony, Texas - The Gateway to Texas.
Home of the Wildcats!
Cycle grades for each student will be determined by the following grading guidelines:
Pre-K - 12th Grade
Summative - 40%
Formative - 60%
Definitions of Grading Categories
Formative: an assessment that occurs during the learning process. Examples: homework, class work, quizzes, labs, draft essays, etc. [Note: BoY, MoY, EoY screeners serve to guide instructional decisions and are not counted as part of the formative grade].
Summative: an assessment of learning that occurs after instruction to determine student mastery. Examples: unit exams, major projects, final essays, lab practicum, nine-week exams.
Campus Guidelines:
• Classroom teachers will enter a minimum of 1 grade per week, in either the summative or formative categories, into our district wide grading system.
• A students final cycle grade will include a minimum of 9 formative and 3 summative grades entered into our district wide grading system.
• All course grades will be updated on a weekly basis, by 8:00 a.m. on Monday morning.
• For PK-3, a development continuum will be utilized to document progress.
• Class Ranking and top honors will be calculated based on GPA throught the 3rd 9 weeks.
District Policies
• Interim progress reports shall be issued for all elementary students after the third week and the sixth week of each grading period. For secondary students, interim reports shall be issued every third week and the sixth week if the student’s grade falls below a 70. Supplemental progress reports may be issued at the teacher’s discretion.
• As per district policy, a student shall be permitted a reasonable opportunity to redo an assignment or retake a test for which the student received a failing grade (below 70%).
AISD commits to prepare all students with academic and interpersonal skills in order to graduate, face all challenges and be a contributing member of their community.
The mission of AISD is to improve lives by empowering students with academic and relevant skills and nurture individual talents so that students will have post-secondary success.
(915) 886-6500
(915) 886-6510
(915) 886-6530
(915) 886-6550
(915) 886-6505
MON-FRI: 7:30AM-4:30PM
840 6th Street Anthony, TX 79821
Holidays may affect these hours.
Central Office (915) 886-6500
Elementary School (915) 886-6510
Middle School (915) 886-6530
High School (915) 886-6550
Media Inquiries (915) 886-6505