Located in Anthony, Texas - The Gateway to Texas.
Home of the Wildcats!
Describe the product here, and don’t be shy! Tell visitors about the product’s unique benefits and advantages. Why is this product special? Why is it better than other products that are similar to it? Give enough details so that people who decide to buy it know exactly what to expect.
Think about who may want to buy this product and then entice them to do so with lively adjectives and descriptions that will catch their attention and convince them. If the product comes in a variety of colors, sizes and shapes, don’t forget to mention this too.
AISD commits to prepare all students with academic and interpersonal skills in order to graduate, face all challenges and be a contributing member of their community.
The mission of AISD is to improve lives by empowering students with academic and relevant skills and nurture individual talents so that students will have post-secondary success.
(915) 886-6500
(915) 886-6510
(915) 886-6530
(915) 886-6550
(915) 886-6505
MON-FRI: 7:30AM-4:30PM
840 6th Street Anthony, TX 79821
Holidays may affect these hours.
Central Office (915) 886-6500
Elementary School (915) 886-6510
Middle School (915) 886-6530
High School (915) 886-6550
Media Inquiries (915) 886-6505